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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 8, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> a great volunteer network of nurses and doctors meticulously attended to twisted <br />Whereas <br />ankles, bruised knees, heat stroke, and a few more serious conditions, as persons of all ages and <br />skill sets participated with spirit, athleticism and enthusiasm, with medical volunteers working <br />side by side many of City’s public safety staff; and <br /> <br />, <br /> the Common Council would like to especially thank Memorial Hospital Sports <br />Whereas <br />Medicine Division, Chairperson Dr. Linda Mansfield and St. Joseph Medical Center Sports <br />Division, Chairperson Dr. Steve Simons, who along with all of their very dedicated medical <br />personnel, made this event safe and possible: <br /> <br />Now, Therefore, be it resolved, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />Section I. On behalf of all of the residents of the City of South Bend, Indiana, the Common Council <br />South Bend 150 <br />thanks and honors all volunteers, and especially extends its gratitude to those who made <br /> <br />a safe venue for all to enjoy. <br /> <br />JOB <br />Section II. The Common Council congratulates everyone who helped and participated for a <br /> <br />WELL DONE <br />!! <br /> <br />Section III. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the <br /> <br />Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />__________________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Tim Scott, 1 District Oliver J. Davis, 6 District <br />stth <br /> <br /> <br />__________________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Henry Davis, Jr., 2 District Derek D. Dieter, At Large <br />nd <br /> <br /> <br />__________________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Valerie Schey, 3 District Gavin Ferlic, At Large <br />rd <br /> <br /> <br />__________________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, 4 District Karen L. White, At Large <br />th <br /> <br /> <br />__________________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Dr. David Varner, 5 District Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney <br />th <br /> <br />Attest: Approved this __ day of June, 2015. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />______________________________ _____________________________________ <br /> <br />Office of the City Clerk Kathryn Roos, Chief of Staff, Mayor’s Office <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic invited Dr. Linda Mansfield the head of Sports Medicine at <br />Memorial Hospital, Dr. Steve Simons the head of St. Joseph Medical Center, Steven Cox the Fire <br />Chief, Jeff Rynearson the Police Department, Brian Pawlowski the Mayor’s Office, and Kylie <br />Carter SB150 Program Coordinator to the podium. Councilmember Dr. Ferlic presented <br />Resolution 15-43 to the full Council to thank them and all those involved for their services during <br />the celebration of SB150 basketball tournament. <br /> <br />Steven Cox, South Bend Fire Chief, 1222 S. Michigan St, South Bend – I’m here representing <br />Chief Lopez who worked with SB150 team to make sure this was a successful event. We <br />appreciated being a part of it. <br /> <br />Dr. Steve Simons, St. Joseph Medical Center, City of Mishawka – We like to thank the Council <br />and all the physicians who helped with the event. We appreciate the acknowledgement. <br /> <br />Dr. Linda Mansfield, Memorial Hospital, City of South Bend – I would like to thank Dr. Ferlic for <br />letting us be a part of this event. This gave our staff the opportunity to give back to the community. <br />This gave my kids the opportunity to come out, be active, and stay fit. Thank you. <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />