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Before adjourning Karen White felt it important to hear from members of the public who had taken the <br />time to attend the meeting. <br />Three people were present, each wanting to lobby for an exemption for HAM radio operators. They <br />were David Kepple, Robert Irish and Linda Irish. <br />David Kepple spoke for the group. He is the Chief Radio Emergency Manager for St. Joseph County. His <br />role is to coordinate emergency public safety (PD, FD) communication during an emergency crisis. <br />When power may be lost disabling police and fire dispatch or the internet may be interrupted it would <br />fall to the HAM operators until power and normal emergency communications be restored. This critical <br />backup, including radio stations in each hospital, warranted exemptions for licensed HAM radio <br />operators. <br />Recognizing the importance of hearing from everyone concerned it was felt the bill should be <br />rescheduled for the June 22 meeting. <br />Karen adjourned the meeting at 5:14 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen White, Vice - Chairperson <br />Health & Public Safety Committee <br />