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Once assessment notice is mailed (form 11), taxpayers have 45 days to file an appeal. There are on <br />average 3,500 appeals filed per year. <br />Mike Kruk, County Treasurer, is responsible for the billing and collection of property taxes, the tail end <br />of the property tax system. He estimated 93% of taxes billed are collected. Delinquencies from year to <br />year bring that percentage to somewhere in the low 80's range. Most of these are vacant lots, <br />abandoned properties or shuttered commercial properties that ultimately go up for tax sale. <br />Mike described the two types of tax sales he conducts annually. In the fall 2,400 to 2,500 parcels are <br />auctioned with tax liens. In the spring unsold properties having gone through two sales and remain <br />unsold can be auctioned without tax liens. <br />Specific back and forth questions followed with Frank Agostino elaborating on the income approach <br />used for commercial properties. <br />Karen again thanked the County officials for attending before she adjourned at 6:34 P.M. <br />* Bill 15 -13 attached <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Community Relations Committee <br />