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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />says eight (8). Are there going to be twelve (12) or eight (8) jobs? Brock Zeeb responded we <br />will always review the case with the petitioner. When we spoke to the petitioner, it was eight (8) <br />that was confirmed. We can have them adjust the SB1 or we can add the notes to the paperwork, <br />which is traditionally what is done. We are aware of those changes, and the other information <br />that needs to be clarified. Councilmember Schey replied if you can document those corrections I <br />would be more than happy to support this bill. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis – When will the confirming resolution come before the body? <br />Brock Zeeb responded the confirming resolution cannot come before the common council until I <br />receive additional information regarding contractors in the top section of the points scoring <br />system. We assume when we have a petitioner that states TBD, they will capture those points <br />and give them to us within a certain period of time. The time can vary as we have to work with <br />the petitioner to clarify everything in their file. <br /> <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition: <br /> <br />Joseph Shabazz, 415 W LaSalle, South Bend – I have a discrepancy on the bottom of the first <br />page of the tax abatement, it states they spent $210,000 on equipment from out of state for <br />furniture and fixtures. They refused to buy those items from the state of Indiana. When we look <br />at the number of minority and women employees they said they had 17 Black employees from <br />6/13 to 12/13, then from 1/14 to 12/14 they only had 2. They had 4 Hispanic employees during <br />the same period, and none in 2014; they had 13 women employees during that same period and <br />only 3 in 2014. For me this sounds like a retreat on inclusion, I am surprised this got to the <br />committee to be submitted. We need to stop giving away the taxpayers money. I would think <br />the Chairperson would have at least read the first two pages of the application. <br /> <br />Rebuttal: Brock Zeeb every year when they file their annual tax abatement numbers they are <br />very accurate. They are much more detailed than many, I would expect the information they <br />bring forward including the additional information will be top notch. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis – This is no fault to the company but leadership, this is why I <br />asked Mayor Buttigieg about the way they qualify the $63 million investment, and what the <br />taxpayers are getting versus the building, as there never true numbers. It is the fault of the head <br />of the department and the Mayor’s office. We continue to ask how these numbers are calculated, <br />but we never get a true number or clear answer. We need to throw away that application if it’s <br />not working. It’s not your fault Brock. Just looking for respect towards the Council in bringing <br />us truthful information. Things never match up, it is huge disrespect to the council and citizens <br />of the community. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis – Is there a way to table this so those issues can be ironed out? <br />Then come back in two weeks to allow time to address all the errors mentioned it would be <br />unwise to move forward like this. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathy – In regards to the $210,000 in equipment, Indiana state law does permit <br />listings for out of state manufacturing equipment. With regard to the second page with full time <br />employment, they will not be given any further consideration until they provide further statistics <br />and go through Gavin Ferlic’s committee as to what those numbers are. Until those details are <br />provided the council will not do anything further. Brock Zeeb responded I have to bring it back <br />through committee again, as the petition is not completed. Your vote tonight will allow for them <br />to pull a building permit to start but the abatement is not approved until all the information is <br />completed accurately. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that the information showed up is untrue, and inaccurate. <br />We have an issue as business is to be done here not outside of here. <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br /> <br />