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The next agenda item involved discussion of the financial responsibility of the City regarding removal of <br />dead or dying Ash trees in tree lawns. <br />Phil St. Clair, Parks Director, said there were an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 Ash trees in the City. Dr. Ferlic <br />asked who was responsible for the cost of removal when in the tree lawn. Traditionally though in the <br />public right of way, tree removal has been the responsibility of the homeowner. <br />Karen White asked if the City encouraged planting of Ash trees in the tree lawns of which Phil estimated <br />there were 300 — 400. She added that the City of Elkhart absorbs the cost of removal of trees in the <br />public right of way. <br />Gavin Ferlic suggested the City charge for removal on an income based, ability to pay system. <br />Valerie Schey stridently maintained the trees in the tree lawn were the City's responsibility not he <br />homeowners. <br />Dr. David Varner thought the income based approach was not fair. He also proposed no more trees be <br />planted in tree lawns. <br />Dr. Ferlic wrapped up discussion saying a policy statement clarifying responsibility needed to come from <br />the Mayor. <br />The last item, the adopt -a -park, suggestion of Dr. Ferlic was continued; but not before Henry Davis said <br />he was philosophically opposed to asking people to pay for what they have already paid for in taxes. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic adjourned the meeting at 5:05 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, Chairperson <br />PARCS Committee <br />