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LouElla Webster told the story of the work being done at Kelly Park in her neighborhood with volunteers <br />providing "sweat equity" and private firms donating expertise and materials Kelly Park is being totally <br />redone. <br />Larry Clifford spoke of the collaborated effort currently underway to restore the rose garden in Leeper <br />Park. <br />Henry Davis acknowledged that South Bend is a very giving community; but said he said his constituents <br />were frustrated by the fact that bond spending had yet to be identified. <br />Dr. Ferlic then read a letter from Karen Schefineyer who is part of a group leading an effort to beautify <br />Howard Park. <br />Shifting gears to other bond related matters Gavin recognized City Controller John Murphy. John, in <br />turn, introduced the bond council Denise Burkdall whose firm is handling the bond process. She said <br />two amendments were needed for the bond to proceed. This first calls for budgeted monthly <br />repayment allocations. The other raising the debt coverage reserve from 125% to 150 %. Both changes <br />which would be requested in an ordinance were expected to garner Council support. <br />Gavin asked if there were any members of the public wishing to speak. <br />Tom Capers rose to remind the Council the parks are for everyone. <br />Gavin adjourned the meeting at 5:55 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br />Community Investment Committee <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, Chairperson <br />PARC Committee <br />