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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FEBRUARY 9, 2015 4:05 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis, Dr. David Varner, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Valerie Schey (EAB), Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter, <br />Karen White <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Erin Blasko, Bob Emery, Joe Fragomeni, <br />David Relos, Cecil Eastman, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Chris Fielding, <br />Brock Zeeb, Jack Smith, Jim Bognar <br />Agenda: Bill 15 -10 Approve Lease between Redevelopment <br />Commission & Redevelopment Authority for <br />bonds not more than $25 million <br />Organizational Meeting <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chair of the Community Investment Committee called the meeting to order with a quorum <br />present and two items scheduled for discussion. <br />The first was bill 15 -10 which asked for Council approval of a lease between the Redevelopment <br />Authority and the Redevelopment Commission to allow the execution of bonds in the amount of $25 <br />million. <br />Scott Ford, the Director of the Community Investment Department made the presentation. Scott with <br />the help of an overhead said the bond funds would be used to complete the "smart streets" initiative. <br />The majority of dollars being used for infrastructure improvements. In describing the bond financing <br />Scott said it would be paid back with TIF funds and would not have an impact on the City's general fund. <br />He added that the bond would allow a quicker completion of the project and would prove to be less <br />expensive doing the improvements all at once. If approved this evening, Scott said bond funds would <br />become available as soon as early April. <br />Moving to the public comment portion Gavin recognized Jim Bognar who spoke in support. Jim said <br />while the metrics and projected economic development impact can be elusive, going ahead with two - <br />way downtown streets and other infrastructure represented forward thinking and was the right thing to <br />do. <br />Jack Smith, also speaking in support, said more provision for landscaping needed to be a part of the <br />overall plan. <br />There was no one present to speak in opposition. <br />On a motion by Gavin Ferlic, seconded by Bob Emery and approved by all bill 15 -10 was forwarded <br />favorably. <br />Gavin elected to schedule the organizational discussion until another time. <br />