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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY FEBRUARY 9, 2015 3:45 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Derek Dieter, Dr. Fred Ferlic (EAB), Karen White, <br />Valerie Schey (EAB) <br />Citizen Member Present: Bob Emery <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis, Dr. Davis Varner, Oliver Davis, <br />Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: Erin Blasko, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Jack Smith, Scott Ford, <br />Kent Sperola, Randy Wilkerson <br />Agenda: Bill No. 59 -14 Vacant Building Restoration and Maintenance <br />and Organizational Meeting <br />Derek Dieter, Chair of the Health & Public Safety Committee opened the hearing with two items on the <br />agenda. The first was bill 59 -14 meant to amend the Code which addresses registration requirements <br />for vacant and abandoned buildings. <br />Though two committee members were absent, Dr. Fred Ferlic and Valerie Schey, the presence of Bob <br />Emery, citizen member, made for a quorum. <br />Derek Dieter opened, asking Council member Tim Scott to present bill 59 -14. Tim said the bill was <br />meant to voluntarily promote compliance, that is, registration of the ownership of vacant properties. <br />No registration fees would be levied for properties with voluntarily registered ownership. On the other <br />hand, properties without ownership registration would be assessed substantial fees. Often the City <br />invests disproportionate time and expense trying to track down ownership. Though the fees would be <br />raised, Tim said the bill was not to raise dollars; but in fact was revenue neutral. Tim said, at present, <br />there were 930 properties requiring registration. <br />Derek Dieter asked fellow Councilmembers for comments. <br />Both Karen White and Henry Davis along with Derek asked some clarification questions about the <br />number of units affected and more pointedly how the requirements would be enforced. Liens attached <br />to the properties along with more aggressive collection efforts from the legal department was the <br />answer. <br />There was no public comment offered. In that bill 59 -14 was a substitute bill motions to accept were <br />required. Karen White and Bob Emery made the appropriate motions ratified by all. Then Derek Dieter <br />motioned for a favorable recommendation. Karen seconded and all affirmed. <br />The organizational meeting of the Health & Public Safety Committee came next. <br />After a recap of 2014 activities, Derek solicited Council input for 2015. <br />