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PUBLIC WORKS & PROPERTY VACATION JANUARY 26.2015 5:15 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey (EAB), Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis, <br />Oliver Davis (EAB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Derek Dieter, <br />Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: Eric Horvath, Bob Emery, Kara Boyles, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, <br />Erin Blasko <br />Agenda: Bill 03 -15 Street & Alley Vacation Kemble - Norfolk & <br />Southern RR /Scott St. & Indiana Ave. <br />Bill 66 -14 Amend Code for Snow Removal Practices <br />Two bills were up for discussion before the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee. Vice - <br />President Henry Davis, in Valerie Schey's absence opened the hearing; but did not have a quorum in that <br />Oliver Davis was absent as well. <br />Henry began by announcing the Committee had received a request to continue bill 03 -15 from the <br />sponsor, the Community Investment Department. This bill intends to vacate an area off of West Indiana <br />Ave. to expand and enhance Ignition Park. The request was to delay action until March 9`h. The request <br />was honored. <br />The second item on the agenda was bill 66 -14, a bill sponsored by the Public Works Department asking <br />for changes in snow removal practices and procedures. In the interest of efficient snow removal from <br />the streets for public safety concerns the bill clarifies that only the Mayor or his designee can declare an <br />emergency. The bill specifies 3 levels of snow removal conditions. The first, a basic main route <br />clearance condition prohibiting parking on the arterials. The second called a street clearance condition <br />which requires parking on the even side of the street with even numbered addresses on even numbered <br />days and the other side on odd numbered days. The most severe designation is called winter weather <br />emergency which bans all traffic except emergency and snow removal vehicles. <br />The City proposed a $50.00 fine for non - compliance with the rules. However at the urging of Henry <br />Davis the fine amount was lowered to $25.00. Derek Dieter suggested dropping fines altogether, but <br />others felt a sanction was needed to encourage compliance. Both Tim Scott and Derek Dieter had <br />several questions regarding enforcement of the bill. Derek spoke to a shortage of police manpower to <br />take on ticket issuance. In response to Tim's similar concerns, Eric Horvath said the Neighborhood Code <br />Inspectors would be the primary enforcers. <br />With Eric Horvath agreeing to Henry's request to lower the fine to $25.00 the Council seemed to accept <br />the City's proposals though again for lack of a Committee quorum no action could be taken. <br />Henry Davis Adjourned the meeting at 5:32 P.M. <br />