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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE NOVEMBER 10. 2008 <br />Committee Members Present: Tom LaFountain, Chairperson; David Varner, Vice-Chairperson; <br />Oliver Davis; AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Other Present: Henry Davis, Jr.; Ann Puzzello; Karen White; Timothy Rouse; Mayor Steve <br />Luecke; Catherine Fanello; Jamie Loo; Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand; Gary Gilot; Phil St. Clair <br />AGENDA: <br />JOINT HEARING 3 BILLS: <br />FUN <br />Chairman LaFountain asked City Controller Catherine Fanello to make a presentation. The City <br />Controller explained there were no new changes since the last public hearing of the city's '09 <br />baseline budget. She once again explained the difficulty to projecting revenue available when <br />property tax rates for'07 pay'08 have yet to be certified by the state. Tax bills and tax <br />distribution to units of government will not happen until early next year. Then '08 pay '09 <br />assessed values and subsequent rates need to be certified. Until money is received tax <br />anticipation warrants will continue to be relied upon at considerable interest cost the taxpayers. <br />Karen White wanted to confirm the '09 pay increases for city employees of 2°l0 only applied to <br />contractual obligations for public safety employees. Non-Bargaining employees will not receive <br />raises. <br />Henry Davis, Jr. expressed dismay at not having real numbers from the state while asking <br />Fanello for regular financial updates. <br />Karen concurred emphasizing the council's work was not over with votes on these bills, but was <br />just beginning. Karen along with Dave Varner then asked the Controller whether any funds <br />appropriated in '08 were unspent and available for use in '09. <br />Catherine Fanello indicated this was how monies for capital projects were found in the past. This <br />could be the case again in '09. <br />Councilmember Varner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirsits to send Bil{ Nos. 58- <br />08; 59-08 and 60-08 to full Council favorably. <br />