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Phil St. Clair said a comprehensive program could cost upwards of $1 million up front for personnel, <br />equipment, and tree replacement. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis maintained that trees can be seen as infrastructure therefore qualifying for <br />use of TIF funds. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott wondered about the availability of grants to supplement a program. <br />Dr. Ferlic summed up the discussion with a question. Who is going to formulate an overall policy and <br />how will it be funded? <br />Phil Sr. Clair said the Park Board would adopt a policy; but it would be dependent on available funding. <br />The second issue before the committee was consideration of resolution 14 -111 sponsored by <br />Councilmember Henry Davis. In short this resolution asks the Council to adopt the Kennedy Park <br />Improvement Plan prioritizing it for inclusion in a potential Park Board. The plan Henry referenced was a <br />list of improvements to address the needs at Kennedy Park as seen by nearby neighborhood groups. <br />These groups have met over the past couple of years to identify needs in the park. <br />Attending the meeting was a representative of the Roseland Rotary Club which has offered to raise <br />funds for a basketball court at the park. At present they were awaiting firm cost estimates and <br />ultimately a "go ahead." <br />Phil St. Clair reminded everyone of the recently adopted 5 -year park master plan. He said it contained <br />some if not all needs for Kennedy Park. The challenge remains how to fund capital costs and also <br />whether Kennedy's needs should take priority over other parks. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic said he could not support a resolution prioritizing Kennedy's need over <br />other needed park improvements. <br />Citizen Joe Shabazz spoke to the dire need to prioritize improvements for Kennedy Park. <br />On a motion by Derek Dieter, seconded by Tim Scott the resolution was referred to full Council <br />unfavorably with only Henry Davis objecting. <br />Dr. Felic adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic, Chairperson <br />