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South Bend Common Council <br /> Supplemental Social Media Practices and Guidelines Page 3 of 6 Policy# 03-2014 <br /> apply to other social networks as well, such as Foursquare, Digg and Yahoo Buzz. Just as <br /> politicians learn, to their regret, that they should always assume that the mic is live, we should <br /> always assume that we are always on. <br /> 8. Post Only What YOU Know — Make sure that what you post regarding official City business <br /> falls into your specific area of expertise. Don't post anything about City business that you are <br /> not involve in and never post anything which is confidential. There are too many opportunities <br /> for misperceptions to be created if you post on subjects that you aren't completely familiar with <br /> the details. Link to sources for facts or statements you reference, and encourage others to do <br /> likewise, rather than state your opinion. Posts should be informative and based on real facts <br /> which can be verified. While widely disseminated and reported, material gathered online can be <br /> just as inaccurate or untrustworthy as some material collected or received in more traditional <br /> ways. As always, consider and verify your sources BEFORE posting. Content gathered online is <br /> subject to the same attribution rules as other content. By sticking to the facts, you will be seen as <br /> an unbiased, trusted source of information on City business. Always review content for <br /> grammatical and spelling errors. Make sure that you are complying with settings which require <br /> approval for all posts from other people on your page, as well as approval for all photos that you <br /> are tagged in before, if it actually includes your tag. <br /> 9. Attribution — If you wish to publish an interesting email or other message you have received <br /> from a reader, you must be clear in your post that the email or message is from another person <br /> and that the words are not your own. You must also check the accuracy of the comment because <br /> YOU are responsible for the accuracy of comments you personally republish with permission or <br /> attribute the source when republishing. <br /> 10. Be Honest and Straightforward — All posts should be accurate and should avoid being <br /> misleading in any way. Present information in posts as simply as possible. Posts that are brief <br /> and to the point leave less room for misinterpretation. If you happen to post information that <br /> misses the mark, be quick to point it out and correct it. <br /> 11. Think before you post—One of the reported secrets to social media's success is how easy it has <br /> become to participate. But that also makes it easy to respond or repeat before you have thought <br /> through potential consequences. Whether we think it fair or not, other media will use your social <br /> media output. Always be CAUTIOUS. If you are about to post information that makes you <br /> even the slightest bit uncomfortable, take time to pause and think about it. Be smart about <br /> protecting sensitive and/or confidential city information, as well as your own privacy concerns. <br /> Remember that what is posted via social media is widely accessible, not easily retractable, <br /> subject to scrutiny, and will be around for a long time. Check with the City's Law Department <br /> on what can be legally shared as official information from the city. <br />