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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />October 9, 2008 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />The Legal Department will research the zoning issues concerning weekend rentals <br />which may be a commercial enterprise . <br />The next areas addressed by the Coalition were student underage alcohol consumption <br />and student safety. <br />It was noted that a recent editorial in "The Observer" complained that when South Bend <br />Police raided a loud party on Colfax where underage drinking was taking place they <br />were not nice to the students. The student acknowledged the parry was in violation of <br />the law, but was concerned about the students' rights. The South Bend Police were not <br />part of this raid which was led by the Excise Police, and concern was expressed that <br />this hurts the officers and their ability to deal with these kinds of situations. <br />Police Chief Boykins said if police receive reports of unruly parties, patrols will be sent <br />and students will be ticketed. <br />Notre Dame Student Body President Bob Reisch agreed that students need to take <br />responsibility for their actions. Fewer parties are being held this year. He has <br />personally talked with many of the students involved in the Colfax incident. Notre Dame <br />plans to send non-drinking students to parties to observe interactions between students, <br />neighbors and police. <br />Mr. Reisch also said there is a growing perception that crime is increasing and students <br />are not safe. There seems to be more crime against students. The Mayor agreed that <br />there has been a crime increase, partly because of the economic situation. Students <br />homes are being burglarized during the day and are targeted because of possessions. <br />Mr. Kramer has installed additional lighting, fences and ADT equipment at properties he <br />manages, but there is still a problem with break ins. Even though these are mainly <br />property damage and theft break ins, students still feel violated. Several suggestions <br />were made to increase student safety. <br />Make students aware that excessive drinking makes them more <br />vulnerable to robbery. Notre Dame now has a crime prevention officer <br />who lets students know about crime in neighborhoods and is educating <br />students about the use of alcohol and how it impairs judgment. <br />• Students should be aware of their surroundings and should not hesitate to <br />call police when necessary. Students and neighbors should work together <br />to make neighborhoods safer. Neighborhood watches would be helpful. <br />