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PERSONNEL & FINANCE JULY 28.2014 4:22 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Derek Dieter, Henry Davis (AB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Karen White <br />Citizen Members Present: Vacant <br />Other Present: Spence Walton, John Murphy <br />Agenda: Bill 37 -14 Appropriations for City Departments <br />Bill 38 -14 Appropriations Enterprise Funds <br />Bill 39 -14 Fund Transfers <br />Due to the large number of attendees Valerie Schey, Chairperson of Personnel and Finance Committee <br />opted to call the meeting to order, to immediately recess, then to reconvene in the larger chamber. <br />Because of the time necessary to set up the recording equipment, 15 minutes passed before the <br />Committee could again be called to order. <br />Three bills were scheduled for consideration. The first bill 37 -14 was a request from the City to <br />appropriate additional funds for certain departments within the City for 2014 operations. This bill as <br />well as the next two, for that matter are generally routine financial housecleaning requests often <br />characterized as routine mid -year course corrections for budgets adopted last year. When passed the <br />bills reflected best guess estimates. These bills reflect reality. <br />By far the most controversial transfer and appropriation was the $125,000 from the general fund for the <br />Council's legal expenses. Most of the legal bills were for services provided by the law firm May Oberfell <br />& Lorber which had been hired by the Council to pursue the release of telephone tape recordings made <br />in the South Bend Police Department last year. Spence Walton from the firm provided an accounting of <br />the charges (attached) totaling $95,000 thru July 15. A trial hopefully, to resolve the "tapes <br />controversy" is scheduled for August 12 and 13 which the firm continues to prepare for. There was <br />much discussion as to the amount of the bill, who authorized the services and what the scope of <br />continued legal services should be. <br />In total bill 37 -14 requested over $4.5 million in appropriations. With legal amounts not agreed upon <br />the bill was sent to full Council with no recommendation on motions by Derek Dieter and Dr. Varner, <br />supported by Valerie Schey. <br />Bill 38 -14 was the same type of appropriations request for enterprise funds in 2014. This bill was like <br />the last, presented by City Controller John Murphy. After a few clarifying answers to Council questions, <br />Dr. Varner motioned the bill be sent favorably. Derek dieter seconded and all supported. <br />