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ZONING & ANNEXATION AUGUST 11, 2014 3:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Derek Dieter, Henry Davis (AB), Gavin Ferlic <br />Citizen Members Present: Vacant <br />Other Council Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Karen White, <br />Oliver Davis (AB) <br />Others Present: Eric Horvath, Scott Ford, Christa Hill, Kathryn Roos, <br />John Murphy, Andrew Nemeth, Rick Hill <br />Agenda: Bill 34 -14 Amend Zoning for Property at SE corner Meadow & <br />Lombardy <br />Opening the Zoning & Annexation Committee Chairman Tim Scott noted a quorum was present allowing <br />review and recommendation of the one item on the agenda bill 34 -14. <br />This bill requested a zoning change from light to heavy industrial for a 64 acre parcel near the <br />intersection of Lombardy and Meadow Lane. <br />Christa Hill from the Area Plan staff explained the specifics of the zoning classification change. She <br />reported that the Area Plan Commission gave the petition a favorable recommendation. <br />Andrew Nemeth, developer of the parcel went to great lengths to describe the need for the request. He <br />said the Nelo Corp. would be building a facility that would produce welded aluminum parts for the RV <br />industry creating over 500 jobs. He noted the buffer zones on the south and west side of the property. <br />This buffer included a 100 foot wide strip of mature trees, a 6 foot berm with evergreen plantings and a <br />6 to 8 foot fence, all meant to minimize any negative quality of life issues for nearby neighbors. The <br />developer also spoke of building a private access road off of Lombardy away from any residences. <br />Karen White said nearby residents voiced concerns about dust from the site. Andrew Nemeth <br />responded saying the buffer zone and the fact that trucks would be on a paved lot should allay those <br />concerns. <br />Ultimately, on a motion made by Gavin Ferlic, seconded by Derek Dieter and affirmed by all, the bill was <br />forwarded to full Council favorably. <br />Tim Scott adjourned the meeting at 3:40 P.M. <br />Subm <br />Tim Sc airpe <br />Zoning & Ann ation Committee <br />11 Page <br />