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Oliver Davis, the Council's representative on the Area Plan Commission (APC) confirmed the APC was <br />now in approval of the revised petition. <br />No one from the public offered any objections. <br />Ultimately on motions from Derek Dieter and Gavin Ferlic supported by all amended bill 33 -14 was sent <br />to Council favorably. <br />Bill 14 -63 was the final bill scheduled for review. It was a petition to allow a convenience store at 1119 <br />Lincoln Way West, with gas pumps. <br />Mark Lyons from the Building Department reported that the Board of Zoning Appeals had voted 5 -0 to <br />favor the petition. <br />Mike Danch, representing the petitioner explained the particulars including the need for a special <br />exception for the gas pumps. <br />During the Council portion, Derek Dieter asked if the petitioner had met with any Neighborhood groups. <br />The answer from Danch was no. <br />Karen White had a volley of questions. She asked if complaints received from residents near a similar <br />business owned by the petitioner were addressed. The petitioner said this was a management issue <br />that had since been resolved. She added that nearby residents needed a comfort level, now absent, <br />with this proposal. <br />Tim Scott, Councilman representing this area, said the neighborhood organization here opposed the <br />store. <br />In response to Oliver Davis, the petitioner said there would be no liquor sales and hours of operation <br />would be restricted. <br />During public comment, Linda Wolfson said Lincoln Way West needs improvement; but not a <br />convenience store. <br />Jitin Cain from the Community Investment Department said a store of this type did not fit into the <br />Lincoln Way West corridor plan developed with the neighborhood. He said a convenience store would <br />compromise residential investment in the area. <br />After further back and forth Derek Dieter made a motion the bill go to Council unfavorably. Gavin Ferlic <br />offered a second and all affirmed. <br />Tim Scott adjourned the meeting at 4:04 P.M <br />