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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT JUNE 23, 2014 3:44 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis (AB), Valerie Schey, Derek Dieter <br />Citizen Members Present: Austin Cabello (AB), Patrick Mullin (AB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. Davis Varner, Oliver Davis, <br />Karen White <br />Others Present: Mel Reed, Katheryn Roos, Jack Smith, Erin Blasko, Chris Dressel, <br />Tony Bogart, Kathy Hahn, John Voorde <br />Agenda: Bill 14 -62 J.J. White Inc. - Real Property Abatement (2 yr.) <br />Bill 14 -65 Interlocal Agreement between SB /Mishawaka <br />And Brownfield Assessment Grant <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chair of the Community Investment Committee opened the hearings with two bills on the <br />agenda for consideration and recommendation to full Council. <br />Present were committee members Gavin Ferlic, Valerie Schey and Derek Dieter. Henry Davis was absent <br />as were citizen members Mullin and Cabello. All other Council members were present as well. <br />The first bill 14 -62, was a petition for a 2 year real property tax abatement for J.J. White at 1904 N <br />Kenmore. <br />Kathy Hahn from the Community Investment Department reported that J.J. White is a general <br />mechanical electrical contractor based in Philadelphia. They hope to make this location their Midwest <br />hub for their expanding business. State law allows two year abatement for adaptive re -use of an <br />existing building. Kathy went on to say 6 offices and 42 field jobs would be retained while 5 new office <br />and 25 field positions would be created in the next two years. Tony Bogart from J.1. White was present <br />to answer any questions. <br />There were no questions from either the Council or the Public. <br />On a motion from Valerie Schey, seconded by Derek Dieter the bill was forwarded to full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />The other bill on the agenda, 14 -65 was an interlocal agreement among the City of South Bend, <br />Mishawaka and St. Joseph County to jointly apply for and manage USPEA Brownfield Assessment dollars. <br />Chris Dressel from the Cl Department explained that the $600,000 available would be used first for a <br />county -wide survey of potentially polluted sites. The survey contracted to a private firm would include a <br />prioritization of sites for clean -up as well as estimated clean -up costs. <br />Tim Scott asked when the last inventory was taken, Chris said 10 years ago. <br />