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get out that while the City is serious about pursuing bad debts, compassion and professionalism needs <br />to be shown to the debtors. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic reminded everyone about the persistent difficulty in finding absentee owners. Cristal said <br />the Kryder firm can track owners better than the City. <br />Further discussion concerning the pursuit of old claims or judgments followed. Cristal said a policy of <br />actively going after claims as old as 10 years was being followed. Tim wondered if data detailing the <br />total number of outstanding claims and the dollar value of these claims was available. Cristal said she <br />was working on developing such a report. <br />Moving on to an update from Shubhada Kambli, Director of Code Enforcement, and Karen said the <br />Council wanted information on mowing, technology, man - power, curbs & sidewalks, clean -up efforts <br />and speeding. <br />Shubhada reported 520 vacant & abandoned properties have been addressed either by demolition or <br />repair. Thirty nine hundred citations for weeds or grass were issued with a 57% compliance rate. This <br />was accomplished with 8 full -time and one part-time inspector. <br />Responding to a question about staff training, she said 10 I -Pads were purchased for field inspectors <br />who are now being trained on the devices. <br />Shubhada also spoke to quicker response or turn - around time on complaints and citations having <br />lowered compliance time to between 2 and 5 days. <br />Tim Scott asked if Neighborhood Code Enforcement (NCE) could be measured for effectiveness or <br />efficiency as is done in the private sector. In other words where is the Department now, where is it <br />going and how long will it take to get there? <br />Shubhada said there has been and continues to be progress in NCE operations; but it was difficult to put <br />a number on the efforts. <br />Tim urged that going into the budget process for 2015, cost benefit numbers would help justify NCE <br />resource requests. <br />Karen summed up the meeting saying she was going to solicit input from neighborhood organizations, <br />asking them for four things needing attention. The groups would then be invited to upcoming budgets <br />sessions for input. She ended saying she wanted a cooperative working relationship with the <br />Administration. <br />Karen adjourned the meeting at 5:52 P.M. <br />Respe fully Submitted, <br />Q A.Gyt. <br />Karen White, Chairperson <br />Residential Neighborhoods Committee <br />