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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY APRIL 28 2014 3:46 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Derek Dieter, Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Tim Scott <br />Citizen Members Present: Vacant <br />Other Council Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Gavin Ferlic, Oliver Davis, <br />Karen White <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Kathryn Roos, Jim Lopez, Brock Zeeb, <br />Rahman Johnson, John Murphy, Cecil Eastman, Erin Blasko, Jack <br />Smith, James Harris, Austin Cebello, John Voorde <br />Agenda: Bill No. 17 -14 Amending Chapter 5 Pets <br />Bill No. 26 -14 Amending Chapter 9 Article 5 Fee Exemptions <br />Two bills were schedules for the hearing before Chairman Derek Dieter's Health and Public Safety <br />Committee. <br />The first, bill 17 -14, dealing with animal care and control is a total rewrite of Chapter 5 of the Municipal <br />Code. It has been fostered by Councilmember Valerie Schey who asked the Council to consider two <br />actions relative to the bill. First she asked the Committee to accept a substitute version of the bill Henry <br />Davis motioned to accept. Tim Scott seconded and all affirmed. <br />Valerie then asked the Council to forego this hearing and reschedule the second meeting and third <br />hearings until the second meeting in May, that being the 28th. Henry Davis so moved. Tim Scott again <br />offered the second which all supported. Valerie said a new section changing the fee structure for pet <br />licenses required an additional two weeks to allow public notice and comment <br />The second bill 26 -14, proposed the creation of fee exemptions for local units of government governed <br />by mutual aid agreements. The bill was presently by Assistant Fire Chief Jim Lopez who said the bill was <br />prompted by a change in state law and the fact that the fees had not been changed since 1998. Chief <br />Lopez said the bill aimed to expand resources available to each participating jurisdiction, to coordinate <br />planning, to ensure timely arrival of aid to minimize conflicts and optimize the management of <br />emergency services as well as facilitating the prompt recovery of costs. <br />Following a brief question & answer session with Councilmembers, Tim Scott motioned for approval. Dr. <br />Ferlic seconded the recommendation and all agreed to forward favorably. <br />Derek adjourned at 3:52 P.M. <br />Respectful Su itted, <br />Dere Di ter, Chairperson <br />Health & Public Safety Committee <br />