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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Varner made a motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. <br />Councilmember LaFountain seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine <br />(9) ayes. <br /> <br />Councilmember White, Chairperson, Health and Public Safety Committee and Tom <br />LaFountain, Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that these <br />committee’s held a joint Public Hearing on this bill this afternoon and it was the <br />consensus of the committees to send this substitute bill to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter disclosed that he is a member of the South Bend Police <br />Department and that after discussion with Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand it <br />was determined that there is no conflict of interest. <br /> <br />Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Agent, advised that as the agent for the Council she <br />has been in negotiations with the FOP #36. She stated that she was honored to be part of <br />a City Advisory Team that was made up of five (5) Councilmember’s (Tom LaFountain, <br />Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee, Karen L. White, Chairperson, Health & <br />Public Safety Committee, Oliver Davis, Ann Puzzello, Vice-Chairperson, Health & <br />Public Safety Committee, Henry Davis, Member of the Personnel & Finance Committee), <br />along with members from the City Administration as well as the Police Department. Ms. <br />Cekanski-Farrand stated that the City Council is required to take action in setting annual <br />salaries for the Police Department by September 30, 2008. The proposed substitute bill <br />would bring the City of South Bend in compliance with that state law. The joint City <br />Advisory Team reached a one (1) year salary and monetary fringe benefit package with <br />the FOP Team, who is represented this evening by Scott Ruszkowski, President FOP #36, <br />who will be giving later this evening comments as to the ratification process that the FOP <br />went through. She noted that the one-year agreement does several things. The salary <br />before the Council tonight would eliminate the operations safe neighborhoods program <br />which has been in existence for the City of South Bend for several years. The programs <br />allowed officers are given a modest amount if they live in designated high crime areas of <br />the City. Both the Fire Department and well as the Police Department were asked to <br />review all current programs to see if any of those should be reprogrammed, modified or <br />cease and in this case they agreed to discontinue that program and use those monies to <br />help fund their overall wage and benefit increases. In this particular case, it funds the <br />increase that they are recommended for the uniform allowance of two-hundred dollars <br />($200.00.) Ms. Cekanski-Farrand stated that they also recommend modest increases in <br />the longevity program which has been on the books for several years. They made <br />recommendations with regard to shift incentive as well as seniority shift incentive so that <br />there are more senior officers on the midnight and afternoon shifts along with the <br />younger officers. Overall the sworn members of the police department would receive a <br />base salary increase of 2.2%, which if the Council passes this evening it would take effect <br />January 1, 2009. All of the other monetary fringe benefit would be frozen at their current <br />rates. She stated that as the Agent working with Chuck Leone as the Agent for the Board <br />of Public Safety and the entire team, it was indeed a very educational and productive <br />process that they went through with Mr. Leo Blackwell who was the agent for the FOP <br />and Mr. Ruszkowski and the other members of the FOP. She welcomed any of the other <br />Councilmember’s or Members of the City Administration to give comments and would <br />be pleased to answer any questions that the Council may have. She added one item for <br />both the Police and Fire. Ms. Cekanski-Farrand noted that they gave an ongoing <br />commitment to both teams representing the unions that they would continue the lines of <br />communication after final passage by the Council this evening, with regard to working <br />collaboratively on any new ordinances or adjustments in fees that are currently being <br />charged for public safety services or new areas that perhaps fees maybe warranted to help <br />off-set the unknown of HB 1001. She stated that they have also made the commitment <br />that they will continue to have meetings with the State Senators and State Representatives <br />the luncheon meetings that were held in the past that were very productive and also with <br />the County Commissioners and County Council Members. She stated that the FOP was <br />very open to that and in fact Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Ruszkowski offered to work with the <br />team if any lobbying has to take place and the state level for any alternative funding <br />sources. <br /> <br /> 4 <br /> <br />