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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />and with both Unions working their contract would have rolled over anyway. To rollover <br />the contract would have cost the City more money and could have caused a lot of many <br />more issues. So doing what is being done tonight is not irresponsible at all. It would <br />help if both side would recognized that and talked about that on several occasions and so <br />therefore he stated that he has no problem in supporting this bill. They have taken the <br />best numbers that could possibly have been taken given all the legal ramifications that <br />they have to deal with. He thinks that when it comes to other issues that will have to be <br />talked about with the budget that will be heard later on there are provisions in place so <br />that they don’t necessarily have to cut everybody. He is clarifying the idea out there that <br />they are making some decisions that are irresponsible concern him greatly because the <br />teams spent a lot of time, the unions spent a lot of time, there was leadership to <br />understand where we are and came across from both aisle to understand those numbers. <br />The Controller presented them and they held many meetings to go over and over the <br />numbers. These are very conservative things that make sense and feel safe for one year, <br />not two, three, or four. He stated that the staggering of the contract was a great idea so <br />that the City can see where it is in April of 2009 and that gives a chance for everything to <br />be looked at and then if they need to make adjustments for the next year 2010, the year <br />that everyone is scared about, 2009 should be able to be gotten through okay. Credit is <br />due to those who made the effort to attend those negotiation sessions and get through <br />those to get where we are tonight. <br /> <br />Councilmember Puzzello stated that she was very impressed this summer and spent a lot <br />of time attending the negotiations. She noted that she is the only member of the Council <br />who is fully retired from a regular job. So that allows her more time to commit to the <br />grueling schedule of negotiations, which she enjoyed thoroughly. She stated that it was <br />a big job this summer. Both unions worked in a very professional way. She stated that <br />she did not thing that she ever went to a meeting concerning finances for the City of <br />South Bend, that there were not representatives from both the Police and Fire Unions <br />there and they had done their homework and they knew what they were doing and they <br />knew what was happening as much as any of us know. They worked in good faith, and <br />one of the ways that you can tell that is that when you negotiate in good faith you listen <br />to the union representatives and it’s something that Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- <br />Farrand does very well and she thinks that the Unions would agree with that assessment. <br />The end result is not the same for both unions, because that is not what the unions <br />wanted, they wanted it the way it came out. She was very impressed with all the <br />professionalism by both unions, they ratified, even those the raise is not a very good one <br />and did not bring them up in the standing very far, but they ratified because they knew <br />that they had done the best that they could do and the representatives of both unions had <br />done the best that they could do. She stated that they were concerned with the public’s <br />safety and they reiterated that many, many times. The main issue was the public safety of <br />the citizens of South Bend. That was one of the things that they work toward doing the <br />best job for the people of South Bend at all times. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rouse stated that he doesn’t disagree with the intent and the hard work. <br />But, Ladies and Gentlemen, you cannot get around the fact that if he was to give a 2% <br />raise, it is going to be compounded whereas if he does the same thing and make sure you <br />have the money, and do it for a bonus, when he doesn’t know what his financial situation <br />is next year, it is just more responsible. He stated that he doesn’t mean to offend any <br />Councilmember or any person of the Administration or the Negotiating Team, but the <br />reality is that HB 1001 has a burden on all of us as an unknown area that they simply <br />don’t know where it is. To give compounded raises and that’s what it is, you cannot go <br />back next year and start from step one. The Council has an obligation to everyone <br />including the hard working taxpayers of this city. He is saying yes, give them all that you <br />can give them, make sure that they are taken care of, provide the financial resources for <br />the Fire and the Police, but do it in a responsible way which he says he considers <br />differently, in a way that they are responsible for what they don’t know in the future. He <br />stated that they can always go back and give them a 4% increase next year, if they have <br />the money. But to compound it now, he personally thinks that it can be done better. He <br />stated that this is not something that he started talking about tonight, he put an e-mail out <br />to everyone of the Councilmember’s several weeks ago while negotiations were being <br />undergone and no one ever came back and said Rouse look at this, this is what we are <br /> 11 <br /> <br />