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PERSONNEL & FINANCE APRIL 28, 2014 3:52 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Derek Dieter, Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Karen White <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Erin Blasko, John Murphy, Cecil <br />Eastman, Rahman Johnson, Kathryn Roos, Phil St. Clair, Michelle <br />Adams, Chris Fielding, David Buggs, Brian Givens, Jennifer <br />Hockenour, Mark Neal <br />Agenda: Bill No. 14 -49 Resolution calling for creative and sustainable <br />addressing unemployment and entrepreneur <br />programs <br />Bill No. 29 -14 Authorizing departments to accept credit card <br />payments <br />Two bills were scheduled for Valerie Schey's Personnel and Finance Committee. <br />The first for consideration was Bill No. 14 -49 sponsored by Councilmembers Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, <br />and Oliver Davis. This bill calls for creative initiatives that would address more comprehensive programs <br />for youth entrepreneur and unemployment programs. <br />Henry Davis made the presentation referencing conversations he had with Deputy Mayor Mark Neal in <br />which Henry suggested a stronger financial commitment by the City for staff and programming at the <br />City recreation centers. Henry also suggested closer ties and more utilization of school corporation <br />facilities like, gyms, pools, and computer labs. He referenced as well, the bills cover letter (attached). <br />During Council comments, Dr. Fred Ferlic cautioned that only limited tax dollars were available. Derek <br />Dieter asked if there was a projected cost to which Henry said was approximately $10 thousand per <br />recreation center. Dr. David Varner voiced concern about funding expensive new programs. <br />Phil St. Clair, Director of Parks, said many good programs were already being run out of the centers; but <br />would welcome increased funding. In response to Valerie's concerns about affordability for some kids, <br />Phil said no one was turned away. <br />During the public portion Davis Buggs stressed the importance of investing in kids. Brian Givens, who <br />rehabs houses, said kids could be trained for and given summer jobs to foster a work ethic. <br />Derek Dieter asked Henry what the next step would be if the bill passed. Henry said help for the City's <br />youth was needed now. Funding would provide that help. <br />A favorable recommendation to Council followed after a motion by Derek, a second by Dr. David Varner <br />and support echoed by all. <br />