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Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
Animal Welfare Commission
Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
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4/28/2014 12:30:51 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 20 <br />to be forced to stand, sit or lie in its own excrement; shall <br />regularly and as often as necessary to prevent odor or health and sanitation problems, maintain all <br />animal areas or areas of animal contact. <br />(b) See that such animal has food that is appropriate for the species in adequate amounts to <br />maintain good health, fresh potable drinking water where appropriate, shelter and ventilation, including <br />quarters that are protected from excessive heat and cold and are of sufficient size to permit the animal to <br />exercise and move about freely. <br />(c) If the animals is kept in an outdoor enclosure see that the enclosure is at least five 5 <br />times the length of the animal's body so that the animal(s) may exercise and move freely and includes <br />adequate shelter as defined in this Cha tamer. <br />Sec. 5 -16 Medical and Grooming Care Requirements. <br />(a) Every owner or keeper of an animal shall see that any animal in their control and custody <br />receives proper veterinary care as necessary to treat illness, disease or injury to prevent the transmittal of <br />disease, to be vaccinated as required by law in order to promote humane animal health. <br />(b) Any animal deemed by the SBACC staff to require medical evaluation must be evaluated by a <br />licensed veterinarian to maintain humane care. Any treatment necessary shall be at the discretion of the <br />veterinarian. Proof of compliance must be provided. <br />(c) Any owner keeping an animal requiring grooming deemed by SBACC staff to maintain humane <br />standards of care must show proof such grooming has been <br />Sec. 5 -18 Removal of Excrement Required. <br />* Persons responsible for an animal shall immediately remove the animal's excrement <br />excepting a person wer -loft. with requiring a certified <br />service dog. <br />Sec. 5 -19 Acreage Requirements for Certain Domestic Animals and Fowl. <br />(0 Any person desiring to raise any of the following -named domestic animals or <br />fowl must have a minimum of five (5) acres of land: <br />24 , <br />Patronek CJ. Tufts Animal Care and C„ ondition (TACC) scales for assessing body condition, weather and environmental <br />safety, and physical care in dogs. Can Vet J 2000 :41:634 -635. (A1so „available at <br /> aug 1998 /tuf s anima_], - condition- body.pd f). <br />
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