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Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
Animal Welfare Commission
Sub. Bill 17-14 Proposed Animal Rights
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7/1/2015 2:17:18 PM
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4/28/2014 12:30:51 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 18 <br />Honey Bee: the common domestic honey bee, limited to the Apis melliferca species, specifically <br />excluding the African honey bee, Apis anellifera scutellata or Africanized honey bee, or any hybrid thereof. <br />Lot: a piece, parcel, plot or tract of land designated by its owner or developer to be used, developed <br />or built upon as a unit under single ownership or control and may consist of <br />(1) A single lot or record; or <br />(2) A combination of complete lots of record. (Ord. No. 10241, § 11, 07- 08- 2013)" <br />Sec. 5 -10 Honey Bee Keeping Public Safety Regulations. <br />(a) Any person desiring to raise the common domestic honey bee, limited to the Apis mellifera <br />species, must comply with the following public safety regulations. <br />(b) No hive shall exceed seventeen (17) cubic feet in volume. <br />(c) Location Requirements: <br />1. Where a lot has a fence, hives must maintain a four foot (4') radial distance from the <br />property line as measured from the center of the hive. <br />2. Where a lot does not have a fence, hives must maintain a four foot (4') radial distance <br />from the lot line as measured from the center of the hive. The beekeeper must also <br />install a flyway barrier no further than four feet (4') in front of the hive entrance. <br />3. In no event shall a hive be located closer than ten feet (10') from a public sidewalk. <br />4. Colonies may be kept on flat roofs without setback or flyaway barrier restrictions. <br />For a lot without a perimeter fence, a fence which surrounds the entire hive(s) shall <br />be compliant with the zoning regulations set forth in South Bend Municipal Code § <br />21 -02.11 and apiary practices. <br />G. A fresh supply of water shall be provided for all hivcs20 <br />'9 South Bend Municipal Code § 21-11.02 sets forth the zoning definition for "lot" <br />z° A fresh supply of water for honey bees deters honey bees from congregating at swimming pools, pet water bowls, <br />birdbaths or other water sources where they may cause human, bird or domestic pet contact; so long as it does not become <br />stagnant. <br />
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