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PUBLIC WORKS & PROPERTY VACATION APRIL 14, 2014 5:02 P. M. <br />Committee Members Present: Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Tim Scott, Valerie Schey <br />Other Council Present: Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Karen White, Derek Dieter, <br />Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: Pablo Gomez <br />Agenda: Bill No. 23 -14 Vacating Alley <br />Vice - Chair, Tim Scott opened the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee with just one agenda <br />item up for consideration, that being bill 23 -14. <br />This bill was a petition to vacate an alley of approximately 360 FT. running south from Kaley between <br />Irvington and Fairview. The vacation request was initiated by Pablo Gomez of 2624 Fairview. Mr. <br />Gomez purchased a lot behind his home across the alley and would like to fence both lots. <br />The Board of Public Works (BPW) reviewed the request noting the Police, Fire, Solid Waste and <br />Engineering Departments have approved the petition. It was noted utility poles are in the alley right of <br />way. Therefore the BPW submitted a favorable recommendation to Council subject to utility <br />easements. <br />After brief discussion Valerie Schey made a motion the bill be sent to full Council favorably. Dr. Ferlic <br />offered a second and all affirmed. <br />Tim Scott adiourned at 5:07 P.M. <br />Respectfully <br />Tim Scott, Vice - Chairperson <br />Public Works & Property Vacation <br />