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ZONING & ANNEXATION APRIL 14.2014 5:35 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Derek Dieter, Henry Davis, Gavin Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Karen White, <br />Oliver Davis <br />Others Present: Frank Agostino, Cosimo Bumbaca, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, <br />Christa Hill <br />Agenda: Bill No.08 -14 Special Exception -837 Miner St. <br />Bill No. 09 -14 Special Exception —1021- 1023 Talbot St. <br />Bill No. 10 -14 Special Exception —1104 Bissell St. <br />BillNo.11 -14 Special Exception -1042 Miner St. <br />Bill No. 12 -14 Special Exception —1012 Talbot St. <br />Chairman Tim Scott with a full complement of his Zoning & Annexation Committee present opened this <br />hearing with five bills on the agenda. Each bill was filed by the same petitioner to allow more than two <br />non - related renters to occupy the homes. Each bill asked for a rezoning from single - family to multi- <br />family zoning. <br />Prior to any presentation Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski - Farrand noted each of the five bills would <br />have to be accepted as substitutes. <br />Christa Hill from the Area Plan Commission (APC) staff reported these bills had received and unfavorable <br />recommendation from the APC. <br />Each bill was then presented by the owner and petitioner Cosimo Bumbaca through his Attorney, Frank <br />Agostino. Mr. Agostino provided a spiral bound, over 20 page pamphlet explaining the background of <br />the petitioner and each home in question. It thoroughly explained and illustrated the purpose and <br />intent of the petition. (Attached) <br />Also included here is a letter from the Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Organization (NNRO) <br />opposing the bills. <br />Additionally the Council Attorney provided a handout outlining the criteria under state law governing <br />rezoning and special exception requests. (Attached) <br />There were some Council questions; but it became apparent to all that more time for consideration <br />would be needed. Council Attorney allowed that the petitioner could request a continuance to the <br />Council's next meeting on April 28 `". Mr. Bumbaca and Mr. Agostino made the continuance request. <br />