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investment to just under $4.5 million. Joe Shabazz urged the Council to follow -up on affirmative action <br />hiring results. <br />Finally on a motion from Derek Dieter, seconded by Valerie Schey and approved by all the bill got a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />The next two bills on the agenda, 14 -34 and 14 -35, were personal an" property tax abatement <br />petitions for IRBN Inc. at 2115 West Western Ave. Chris Fielding from!CI made the presentation for both <br />bills, to be considered together but voted separately. Chris said IRBN wzIs a wholesale food warehouse <br />and distribution company working primarily with food banks in the great lakes region. The five year <br />personal property request and the two year real property allowed by state law for vacant building start- <br />ups would protect 9 jobs and create five more with a total payroll of over $500,000. The operation was <br />relocating from Mishawaka. Dane Vida, President of IRBNWas present to answer any questions. <br />Responding to Valerie Schey, he said he would file an affirmative action plan. <br />The real property petition for two years of abatement was explained by Chris Fielding as one available <br />under state law to someone moving into a vacant building. He said both petitions had passed muster by <br />the Cl Staff. <br />Subsequently both bills were forwarded favorably on motions by Derek Dieter, seconded by Valerie <br />Schey and affirmed by all. <br />The final abatement petition, 14 -36, was for Lippert Components Manufacturing. Lippert was <br />consolidating operations from surrounding counties to locate and expand manufacturing in the vacant <br />TJ Max building at 1902 W. Sample. Lippert manufactures parts for the RV and trailer industries. Chris <br />said 180 jobs would be created this year with 200 additional projected over the next 10 years. Chris also <br />said an affirmative action plan would be filed. <br />Again on motions by Derek Dieter and Valerie Schey with unanimous support the bill was forwarded <br />favorably. <br />The next bill, 14 -32, asked for preliminary approval of bonds to be issued for the restart of the ethanol <br />plant, up to the amount of $25 million. <br />Attorney Randy Rompala, representing the petitioner said state law allowed these economic <br />development bonds to be tax exempt if the City would endorse them. The City would act as a conduit <br />for the bonds. No liability could be incurred of bonding capacity compromised for the City. Valerie <br />Schey was given additional assurance there would be, no liability following to the City of the bonds were <br />to default. <br />Derek Dieter and Valerie Schey made the appropriate motions to receive a favorable recommendation <br />supported by all. <br />The last agenda item was an update from the Director of Cl Department, Scott Ford regarding the <br />"Smart Streets" initiative. Scott began using a video presentation; but in the interest of time was but <br />short to be rescheduled. <br />