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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br />Committee Members Present: Tom LaFountain, Chairperson; Oliver J. Davis; David Varner, <br />Vice-Chairperson; AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Other Council Member's Present: Derek D. Dieter, Henry Davis, Jr.; Ann Puzzello; Karen L. <br />White; Timothy A. Rouse <br />Others Present: Catherine Fanello; Phil St. Clair; Mayor Stephen Luecke; Mary Ann Myers; <br />Dennis Andres, Chuck Leone <br />Agenda: BILL N0.58-08 - Levy <br />BILL N0.59-08 -Appropriation <br />BILL NO. 60-08 -Enterprise Funds <br />Tom LaFountain, Chairperson, at the city administration's request combined the three budget bills <br />on the agenda into one hearing after which separate votes would be taken on each bill. <br />Mayor Luecke thanked Council Member LaFountain's committee for all their hard work reviewing <br />the budget. The Mayor described the budget as a baseline budget allowing the City to provide <br />services at the same level as 2008. <br />President Rouse stated he was troubled by the dollar commitments in the public safety wage <br />packages as well as the proposed 2% wage increase for all employees. He felt a one-time bonus <br />would be better than the compounding commitments. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that even in fight of the void of financial estimates from the county or tax <br />distribution projections from the state he felt confident'09.obligations could be met. He indicated <br />the '09 budget was only $263,000 higher than the 08' budget. <br />Catherine Fanello described the city facing a "financial Armageddon" if worst case scenarios <br />came to fruition or new revenue sources were crated. <br />On successive 1St by Council Member David Varner followed by Council Member AI "Buddy" <br />Kirsits' second all three bills were sent to the full Council favorably. <br />BILL N0.08-88 -SCRAP/JUNK DEALERS LICENSES <br />Called upon by Chairperson Tom LaFountain, the City's Licensing Director, Chuck Clark reported <br />that 7 firms applied for licenses. Of the seven five were renewals and two were new. All had <br />passed the requisite inspections of the various city departments. <br />AI Kirsits asked if one of the new applicants Omni-Source was actually the former Sturgis Co., <br />which had filed for bankruptcy. It was learned Sturgis' South Bend operation was sold to Omni- <br />Source and no longer had ties to Sturgis. <br />On Council Member David Varner's motion and Council Member Oliver J. Davis' seconded the <br />bill was sent to full Council favorably. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr., asked the Mayor to explain the hiring freeze. Mayor Luecke <br />explained positions deemed critical for public safety or continued provision of services could be <br />filled with the approval of the Mayor and Controller. <br />