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The final Bill No. 21 -14, the Controller explained, was another transfer/ appropriation request. He <br />offered additional detail for a few "big dollar" appropriations calling upon Todd Skwarcan and Chief Cox <br />to explain the acquisition of a new aerial apparatus. They said by buying a demo unit they saved over a <br />quarter million dollars from new. <br />Matt Chlebowski, director of Central Services spoke of building modifications needed to accommodate <br />ventilation for the new CNG trucks. Other major modifications were to replace 22 year old hoists and to <br />update diagnostic software. <br />Shubhada Kambli, director of Neighborhood Code enforcement, provided a handout detailing her <br />department's efforts to collect and measure data resulting in data driven decisions. The goal was to <br />optimize allocation of resources to better serve the public. Shubhada also touched on the City's efforts <br />to implement data driven decision making across the board for all City provided services. <br />These comments prompted Henry Davis to offer a caution that over - reliance on technology risks person <br />to person response in service provision. He said these cautions were particularly relevant for seniors <br />and economically disadvantaged citizens. <br />Ultimately Derek Dieter motioned Bill No. 21 -14 be sent to Council favorably. Valerie seconded and all <br />supported except Henry. <br />The final agenda item was a report from John Murphy detailing YTD spending totals for key budget <br />properties. These updates were also in response to Council requests. Valerie Schey designed the <br />reports format which John Murphy agreed provided a helpful and informative format. <br />Karen White asked whether John's handout (attached) tracked the additional dollars the Council desired <br />be applied to downtown and neighborhood police patrols. John said he would provide a more specific <br />update on that Council priority. <br />Valerie adjourned at 4:46 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Valerie Schey, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />