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Bill No. 14 -26, a petition for a two year real property abatement for Lippert Components Manufacturing <br />was next on the agenda. <br />Chris Fielding, again presenting explained Lippert was relocating their operations from Elkhart County to <br />the vacant TJ Maxx building on the city's west side. State law limits the eligibility for abatement to two <br />years when occupying on existing facility. Nonetheless, Chris explained that nearly 200 jobs would be <br />created in the first year with the prospect for 100 more in the second. The jobs would pay in the $12.00 <br />to $15.00 dollar an hour range. <br />Valerie Schey noted the Redevelopment Commission was contributing nearly a quarter million dollars to <br />the project. She took this opportunity to request that the City include all sources of development funds <br />in one document to better equip the Council with the facts to act on abatement petitions. <br />Ultimately Derek Dieter motioned for approval. This was seconded by Valerie and approves by all. <br />The final two petitions for tax abatement were filed by Lock Joint Tube (UT). Chris fielding explained <br />that UT was expanding their Ireland Road facility by 30,000 sq. ft., adding 9 newjobs, and investing over <br />$9 million dollars in the facility. <br />Kathy Hahn from Community Investment explained that UT Company was represented by Attorney Rich <br />Deahl, who made a brief presentation landing the strength of the company along with their <br />commitment to the community. <br />Again after brief discussion Derek Dieter moved to send favorably. Valerie Schey seconded and all <br />affirmed. <br />There being no further business Gavin Ferlic adjourned at 3:51 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br />Community Investment Committee <br />