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PUBLIC WORKS AND PROPERTY VACATION AUGUST 25, 2008 <br />Committee Members Present: Councilmember's David Varner, Chairperson, Thomas LaFountain <br />Other Council Members Present: Councilmember Puzzello, Councilmember Kirsits <br />Others Present: Mike Danch, Ken Fedder, Gary Gilot, Rita Kopala, Martha Lewis, John Murphy, <br />Gloria Vasquez, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, John Voorde <br />Councilmember David Varner, Chairperson, Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br />called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. <br />BILL N0.43-08 -ALLEY VACATION LAUREL 8~ WESTERN <br />Having reordered the agenda of the PW & PV Committee in that the presenter was late, <br />Chairman Varner moved to the second item on the agenda covered later in these mintues. <br />Gloria Vasquez now present was asked by Chairman Varner to present the vacation petition. <br />The petitioner was required by Council to provide an access easement agreement to allow <br />Burkhart Outdoor Advertising access to billboards on the property. Having done so, and properly <br />reviewed by Council Attorney, the agreement in place, discussion followed. Ms. Vasquez <br />explained the need to vacate for church expansion. There were no remonstrators. Without a <br />quorum no recommendation was sent to Council. <br />BILL N0.45-08 -ALLEY VACATION AT CALVERT 8~ OLIVE <br />Chairman Varner recognized Ken Fedder, Attorney representing the petition to make the <br />presentation. Succinctly, Fedder, explained the petitioner hoped to vacate a "paper only" alley <br />running amidst 10 lots owned by the petitioned. The lots would be consolidated and available for <br />development. There were no remonstrators. There was no objection from any city department. <br />No recommendation followed for lack of a quorum. <br />BILL N0.46-08 -ALLEY VACATION INDIANA ~ LAFAYETTE <br />Chairman Varner asked Mike Danch to make a presentation. Representing the city, initiators of <br />the vacation. Danch explained that in assembling the parcels to create a "nano-park" on the old <br />Studebaker site the City had overlooked an alley way now in the path of consolidation. There <br />were no remonstrators. Short of a quorum no recommendation was given. <br />BILL N0.47-08 -ALLEY VACATION -1ST EW ALLEY NORHT OF ST. RD. 23 <br />Asked by Chairman Varner to make a presentation, Mike Danch, again representing the City as <br />petitioner stated thus vacation was necessary for parcel assembly as a part of Eddy St. <br />Commons. Danch indicated this vacation was again fora "paper only" alley and of no <br />inconvenience or consequence to any parties. There was no remonstrance. No recommendation <br />was given for lack of a quorum. <br />BILL N0.49-08 -INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT ON DERUE CT.. JEFFERSON BLVD TO <br />ST. JOSEPH STREET <br />Chairman Varner noted at the request of the petitioner this bill would be continued until <br />September 8, 2008. <br />