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UTILITIES COMMITTEE <br />The August 25, 2008 meeting of the Utilities Committee of the South Bend Common Council was <br />called to order by its Vice-Chairperson, AI "Buddy" Kirsits" at 3:40 p.m. in the Council's Informal <br />Meeting Room. <br />Committee Members in attendance included Council Members Ann Puzzello, Thomas <br />LaFountain, Tim Hudak <br />Other Councilmember's Present: David Varner, Derek D. Dieter <br />Others present were: John Murphy, Gary Gilot, Carl Littrell, Catherine Fanello, Jack Dillon, Marty <br />Wolfson, Mayor Luecke, Martha Lewis, Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, John Voorde, <br />City Clerk. <br />BILL N0.44-08 -SOLID WASTE RATES <br />In the absence of Oliver Davis, Vice-Chair AI "Buddy" Kirsits conducted the meeting. Kirsits <br />began acknowledging a substitute bill had been filed calling for one increase in solid waste pickup <br />rates rather than 3 increases in 3 years. <br />Director of Public Works Gary Gilot opened the presentation by explaining the amended bill <br />reflected the sentiment of Council feedback to the original version. He explained in as much as <br />labor, gasoline and tipping fees were up the increases were justified. Even so the rates would be <br />lower than surrounding communities relying on public or private services. Gilot then turned to <br />Jack Dillon, Director of Environmental Services and Catherine Fanello, City Controller. Three <br />handouts (attached) illustrate the rationale for the increase. Jack Dillon outlined the pick-up <br />services the department provides in addition to weekly pick-up, namely 1. Free large-item pickup <br />once a month 2. Leaf collection 3. Clean-up calls for NCE and 4. Park clean-up for Park <br />Department. Catherine Fanello then detailed the financial with a power point presentation <br />showing costs outpacing revenues, which drains any reserve account and does not leave funds <br />for capital expenditures. Councilmembers Puzzello and Varner both questioned the long-term <br />ramification of a single rate increase. Dillon responded saying the projections were only good for <br />the coming year. He also described an aging fleet while Fanello explained the consequences of <br />no rate increase. Mayor Luecke spoke in favor of the rate increase. There was no opposition. <br />On Councilmember Puzzello's motion and Tom LaFountains 2nd without dissent the bill went to <br />Council favorably. <br />Councilmember Kirsits then moved on to the other item on the agenda namely, an update on the <br />Notre Dame Sewer Service Agreement. A 16 page color handout explained the compact. <br />(attached.) Essentially the agreement was described as a collaboration helping both the city and <br />N.D. <br />Councilmember Varner maintained the authority to change rates should rest with the Council. <br />Also asking whether any other entity was getting a rate reduction save Notre Dame. Gilot <br />responded that N.D. was only one. Varner closed by saying the new $3 million sewer line from <br />N.D. to the Waste Water connector was benefit enough and rates should not be reduced. <br />