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BILL NOS 08-78: 08-79 AND 08-80 -TAX ABATEMENT -INNOVATION PARK AT NOTRE <br />DAME <br />Bob Mathia with the aid of a handout (attached) explained the essence of the request and <br />reasons for the special consideration. Essentially what is requested for personal property to be in <br />the Park, is a five year term with an extension of the ERA designation from 2 year to 10 and also <br />guaranteeing all future tenants would automatically be granted 5 year abatements. For real <br />property the ERA designation request of 10 years would assure 10 year eligibility for all four <br />buildings to be developed in the Park. All this would be assumed without a Public Benefits Points <br />Summary normally required before consideration. <br />Phil Faccenda, Attorney, and David Brenner then extensively described the nature of Innovation <br />Park. Most significantly Brenner described it as a transformational place where: 1. Basic <br />research would be done on campus. 2. Start-up applications would occur at Innovation Park and <br />3. Hopefully after start-up location and production would occur in the area prepared by the city in <br />the old Studebaker corridor. <br />Council Member Varner asked what happens to abatement when a firm leaves the Park. <br />Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand responded that current state-law does not allow multiple site tech <br />parks so it would be lost. There will be an effort to change this in the next session of the <br />legislature. Speaking enthusiastically in support were Mayor Luecke, Pat McMahon, and Jeff <br />Gibney. <br />Councilmember's Varner and Puzzello asked questions along with citizen member Mark Smith. <br />On a motion by Catherine Andres, seconded by Council Member Puzzello and support by all <br />each of the three bills were sent to Council favorably. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Councilmember Derek D. Dieter, <br />Chairperson, adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Derek D. Die er, Chairperson <br />Community & Economic Development Committee <br />