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The Chief said the force was twelve below budgeted strength and was working to recruit to at least that <br />level. He solicited the Council to help with recruiting, especially with minorities. <br />Moving along to an update on what the owner of "Club Fever' in downtown South Bend was doing to <br />stem incidents like the gunfire reported outside the club some weeks ago. Mr. Davis, owner of Club <br />Fever explained the incident referenced saying the club capacity was at its max that night. There was a <br />crowd of over 1,000 when 500 to 600 were expected. That night the car was closed and the lights went <br />on immediately at the report of trouble. Since then both security and performance contracts have been <br />strengthened. The owner said he tries to work with the City to have a safe place of business. <br />Before moving on to the last agenda item the owner pledged to work with the Police Department to the <br />benefit of the business and the patrons. <br />Valerie Schey then took the floor to report on the activity of the Special Animal Care and Control <br />Committee she set up. Valerie said the current Chapter 5 addressing animals had been worked on for <br />the past year "scrapping" the old, starting nearly from scratch, using Fort Wayne's ordinance as a model <br />to come up with a better "mousetrap ". Best practices from Fort Wayne and other Indiana cities had <br />been incorporated with advice from Committee members chosen for their expertise in animal care. The <br />new suggested Chapter 5 was in final review and would hopefully be accepted by Council at their <br />meeting on April 28th, 2014. <br />Valerie then introduced two attorneys Melissa Fershone and Ernie Galos who worked on the new bill. <br />They walked the Council through major provisions answering Council questions along the way. <br />One of the most controversial aspects of the bill was the elimination of breed specific legislation. The <br />contention being, no breed can be blindly ruled dangerous. Temperament testing would be <br />emphasized. <br />In summary, Valerie said the new Chapter 5 was designed to promote the rights and responsibilities of <br />pet owners. She said spaying and neutering would be promoted and improved public safety was the <br />goal. <br />Derek Dieter adjourned the meeting at 5:41 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Derek Dieter, Chairperson <br />Health & Public Safety Committee <br />