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ZONING & ANNEXATION MARCH 10, 2014 4:00 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Derek Dieter, Henry Davis, Gavin Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, <br />Karen White <br />Others Present: Marti Wolfson, Mark Lyons, Bernie Feeney, David Martin, John <br />Voorde <br />Agenda: 1. Bill No. 03 -14 Special Exception 1912, 1918 & 1924 Edison <br />Rd. District 4 <br />2. Bill No. 14 -19 Special Exception 117 N. Main St. <br />All members were presentfor the scheduled meeting of the Zoning & Annexation Committee, Tim Scott, <br />Committee Chair, noted two items up for consideration. <br />The first item, Bill 03 -14, requested a special exception for the property on Edison Road, namely 1912, <br />1918 and 1924. The exception would allow the expansion of the dental office of Dr. Paul Sergio, whose <br />office was located at 1918 Edison Road. <br />Tim Scott recognized Christa Hill for her report of the petitions hearing before the Area Plan <br />Commission. Christa said the request received a unanimous favorable recommendation; adding only <br />one nearby resident had questions which were satisfied at the hearing. <br />Tim then recognized Bernie Feeney to present Dr. Sergio's petition. Bernie, a registered land surveyor, <br />provided a re -plat of the property explaining the request in some detail (attached). Mr. Feeney <br />explained that Dr. Sergio had purchased the lots east and west of his office to consolidate and expand <br />services at his office. The adjacent lots now needed to be re -zoned from residential to office buffer. <br />After brief discussion, Derek Dieter motioned, Gavin Ferlic seconded and all approved a favorable <br />recommendation to Council. <br />The second agenda item, Bill 14 -19 was also a request for a special exception, this one at 117 N. Main <br />Street on downtown South Bend to allow the relocation of a tattoo parlor. <br />Mark Lyons from the Building Department reported that the Board of Zoning Appeals had reviewed the <br />request and given it a unanimous favorable recommendation for approval. <br />The petitioner and owner of the tattoo parlor, David Martin, said he wanted to remain in the downtown <br />area. His business was successful downtown; but lack of cooperation from his current landlord <br />necessitated a relocation, essentially just across the street. <br />Henry Davis asked the Building Department and Code to inspect the building for possible health and <br />safety violations. <br />