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PERSONNEL & FINANCE MARCH 10, 2014 4:15 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Derek Dieter, Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Oliver Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Gavin Ferlic, Karen White <br />Others Present: Mark Neal, Carol Davis, Martin Wolfson, John Voorde <br />Agenda: 1. Bill No. 14 -21 Resolution supporting expansion of Medicaid <br />in Indiana <br />2. Bill No. 14 -22 Resolution supporting raising the fair minimum <br />Wage <br />Two resolutions were scheduled to be heard before Valerie Schey's Personnel & Finance Committee. <br />With full Committee and Council in attendance Valerie called upon Henry Davis to make the <br />presentation for Bill No. 14 -21. <br />This bill would if passed, be sent to Indiana Governor Pence urging him to expand Medicaid in the state. <br />Henry agreed that expanding Medicaid, in other words, participating in the Affordable Care Act, was in <br />the best interests of both that state and the thousands of Hoosiers unable to afford healthcare. He said <br />the state was turning its back on millions of federal dollars and on poor Hoosiers who need access to <br />healthcare. <br />Dr. David Varner asked why now and why not just a resolution to discuss the Affordable Care Act. <br />Henry said it was the right thing to do and should be pressed to candidates before the fall election. <br />Derek Dieter asked what benefits come from accepting the Affordable Care Act provisions. Henry said <br />simply, improved healthcare and healthcare related jobs. <br />Dr. Varner expressed reservations about the state incurring huge healthcare bills in future years. Henry <br />countered that 33 states had already signed on for Affordable Care Act. Why not us? <br />During the public portion Deputy Mayor Mark Neal spoke in support as well as Martin Wolfson, who <br />emphasized all people have a right to health insurance. <br />Derek Dieter moved to support, Henry Davis seconded and all affirmed except Dr. David Varner who <br />voted against. <br />The next Bill No. 14 -22, supports increasing the federal minimum wage from the current $ 7.25 to <br />$ 10.10 over the next three years. <br />Henry Davis presented the Bill which if passed would be sent to Congress and candidates in the fall <br />election for their stance on minimum wage issues. Henry went on to point out that the current <br />minimum wage if paid for a full -time job would leave someone below the federal poverty line. <br />