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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FEBRUARY 4, 2014 5:06 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis, Valerie Schey (AB), <br />Derek Dieter (EXAB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott (AB), Dr. Fred Ferlic (AB), Dr. David Varner (AB), Oliver <br />Davis (AB), Karen White (AB) <br />Others Present: Cecil Eastman, Mark Neal, Kathy Cekanski- Farrand <br />Agenda: Organizational Meeting <br />The annual organizational meeting of the Community Investment Committee chaired by Gavin Ferlic was <br />called to order at 5:06. <br />Due to the fact that Gavin had laryngitis and Vice - President Henry Davis was the only other committee <br />member present discussion was limited. <br />Though lacking a quorum Mr. Davis wanted to go on record stating their should be a unified effort City <br />and Council, toward corridor development. Henry said separate discussions between the Community <br />Investment (CI) Department and individual Councilmembers were counter to transparency and <br />inclusiveness. Henry felt input was needed from all Councilmembers and the public if real progress was <br />to be made in addressing corridor improvements. Henry said he hoped the fractured approach recently <br />seen in efforts to improve LaSalle Park not be repeated. Only true transparency of ideas and allocation <br />of resources would lead to positive results for the corridors. <br />Henry adjourned at 5:12 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br />Community Investment <br />