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Richard Deahl, Attorney at Law, Barnes & Thornburg, representing Foxtrot Realty Holding and <br />GTA stated that they currently have 31 employees of which 29 are minority. This project is <br />anticipated to employee nine (9) to sixteen (16) employees. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked how many African American Employees? <br />Mr. Deahl responded none. <br />Councilmember White asked why there were not any African-American employees. <br />Mr. Deahl responded that hiring is by word of mouth. Vacancies are paid $11.90 per hour and up <br />to $15.00 with bonuses. The Department of Defense has granted two five-year contracts for the <br />U.S. Army. GTA Containers manufactures collapsible pillow tanks for fuel or water storage. The <br />containers range in size from 3,000 to 210,000 gallons. He stated that with either one of the <br />contracts they could have handled production in their current facility, but both contracts together <br />generate the need for additional space. Mr. Deahl noted that this business is very competitive <br />and on each order they are required to submit a new bid. GTA submitted pricing on this contract <br />last October and it is a fixed price contract. Since last October there have been a lot of increases <br />in the cost of their raw materials. He stated that they are not able to recover those increases in <br />cost, so they have to look at a variety of different cost savings and productivity improvements <br />during the five years, so the abatement is critical. <br />Councilmember Puzzello made a motion for no recommendation to full Council. Councilmember <br />Henry Davis seconded the motion which carried. <br />BILL N0.08-66 -TAX ABATEMENT 1840 N. COMMERCE DRIVE ISTANZ FOOD <br />Robert Mathia, Economic Development, 12th Floor County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., <br />South Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Economic Development Department. Mr. <br />Mathia advised that Stanz Foodservice is a full-line, food service distribution business. He noted <br />that Stanz is asking for a five (5) year personal property tax abatement. <br />Mr. Richard Deahl, Attorney, Barnes & Thornburg, 100 N. Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana, <br />stated that he is speaking on behalf of Mr. Mark Harmon, President, Stanz Foodservice. He <br />advised that Stanz uses its warehouse and distribution facility to store dry, refrigerated, and <br />frozen goods to facilitate the transfer and delivery of such goods to customers throughout <br />Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. The proposed project consists of the acquisition and <br />installation of new logistical distribution and information technology equipment. This equipment <br />will complete Stanz's investment in real estate improvements and its commitment to growing its <br />distribution headquarters and business in South Bend. He stated that the entire cost for the <br />proposed project is estimated between $300,000 to $700,000 for logistical distribution equipment <br />and between $50,000 and $150,000 for information technology equipment. He noted that it is <br />estimated that the project, by itself, will no create additional full-time and part-time permanent <br />jobs within the first year of the project, but will enable Stanz to maintain 162 existing permanent <br />full-time jobs and 9 existing permanent part-time jobs with an annual payroll of $7,251,439, <br />including existing permanent full-time minority employment of 12 positions. <br />Councilmember White made a motion to recommend this bill to the full Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. Citizen Member Mark Smith seconded the motion, which carried. <br />