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PERSONNEL & FINANCE JANUARY IS, 2014 5:10 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Derek Dieter, Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis <br />Citizen Members Present: Vacant <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Oliver Davis <br />Others Present: Cecil Eastman, John Murphy, Cristal Brisco, Christine Villaire, <br />Michael lane, Kathryn Roos, Willow Weatherall, Brian <br />Pawlowski, Joel Barrett <br />Agenda: Bill 70 -13 Amend Chapter 2 —City Residency Requirements <br />Bill 14 -07 Urge General Assembly to Reject Constitutional <br />Amendment Defining Marriage <br />Recently appointed Chair Valerie Schey called the first hearing of the new year for the Personnel & <br />Finance. Two bills, both potentially controversial were on the agenda. <br />The first bill 70 -13 would amend the City Code to require the city residency for city employment. <br />Henry Davis, primary sponsor of the bill asked the bill be continued until the Council meeting scheduled <br />for February 10th. He so motioned. Derek Dieter seconded and all supported. <br />The second Bill 14 -07 was a resolution urging the Indiana General Assembly to reject the proposed state <br />constitutional amendment permanently defining marriage. <br />Tim Scott, primary proponent of the resolution made the presentation. Reading a written statement, <br />Tim emphasized the negative economic development consequences of not welcoming people of <br />different than traditional lifestyles. <br />Three people Michael Lane, Willow Weatherall and Joel Barrett all spoke in support of the resolution. <br />There was no opposition. <br />After brief Council discussion, Derek Dieter motioned the bill be sent to full Council with no <br />recommendation. Henry Davis' second was supported by all. <br />Valerie Schey adjourned the meeting at 5:26 P.M. <br />Res ectfully5 mitted, <br />,1 <br />eerie the , airperson <br />Personnel & Finance <br />Sjue <br />