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(9.)To enter into contract with any municipalities or governmental units or any person, association or corporation <br /> <br />for the collection, transportation, sheltering and disposal by said shelter for sick, diseased, injured, illegally at <br />large, lost, strayed or abandoned animals provided that no such services be extended by said shelter outside the <br />city, except under written contract with the unit, person, association or corporation concerned and at a charge <br />based upon the actual cost of such services, including overhead; provided that no such contract shall be <br />effective except upon the approval of city attorney or a duly designated associate, as to form and legality, the <br />approval of the Mayor, and the ratification by the Common Council. <br />(10.)To employ all personnel necessary for the efficient performance of the duties required of said shelter. <br /> <br />And require certification of all Animal Control Officers as per state recommendations. <br />(11.)To prepare and submit after review and comments of the Animal Control Commission to the Common Council <br /> <br />through the city controller, an annual budget, for its financing of its operations and performance of its duties. <br />(12.)To submit to the Mayor, and to the Common Council, no later than January 30 of each year, a report of its <br /> <br />activities and operation for the prior year. <br />(13.)To establish reasonable fees to be charged to persons reclaiming and adopting animals, and to collect such fees, <br /> <br />such fees to be adopted only after approval by Director and submission to the Mayor and Common Council for <br />approval and adoption. <br />(14.)To prepare for the Animal Control Commission quarterly reports on performance, operation and intake/outtake <br /> <br />metrics including adoption, rescue transfer and euthanasia and any other statistics that the Animal Control <br />Commission may request. <br />(15.)To provide that all dogs and/or cats released for adoption shall be spayed or neutered, implanted with an <br /> <br />electronic microchip, and provisions made for a program to monitor said spay/neuter and microchip plan. <br />(16.)Any violations of the animal adoption contract shall result in impoundment of the animal. Return of the animal <br /> <br />to the adopter will be at the discretion of the Animal Control Department. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.106 INTERFERING WITH ENFORCEMENT. <br />No person shall interfere with an Animal Control Officer in the pursuit of his/her duties as an officer. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.107 IMPOUNDMENT. <br />(a) Animals found in cruel, abusive or neglectful situations, animals trained, bred or kept for the purpose of animal <br />fighting, animals considered dangerous, animals abandoned as a result of owner arrest, or animals that have been <br />abandoned may be promptly seized, provided, however, that the Animal Control Officer shall leave written notice. <br />(b) Animals so removed will be impounded and held at the Department of Animal Control or a designated facility, <br />provided, however, that in no event shall this period exceed five calendar days, at which time the animal shall become <br />the property of the Department of Animal Control. An animal may be held longer if an extension is necessary for the <br />Animal Control Officer to have ample time to prepare a court case if prosecution is warranted, or a request for a bond <br />has been filed as provided in division (e). In the case of animals impounded for quarantine at the Department of Animal <br />Control, the animal will become the property of the department if not claimed by closing time of the department on the <br />eleventh day of the quarantine. Owners requesting quarantine but failing to claim animals at the end of the quarantine <br />period will be responsible for all medical, quarantine, and euthanasia fees. <br />(c) Animals impounded for reasons of tragedy beyond the control of the owner, such as but not limited to house fire or <br />death of the owner, will be held for seven calendar days during which time a reasonable effort will be made to contact <br />the owner and/or their representative to make reclaim or alternative housing arrangements. After the seventh day of <br />impoundment, the animals will become the property of the Department of Animal Control. <br />(d) Animals awaiting disposition by the courts shall remain in the custody of the Department of Animal Control, unless <br />such disposition is made, or placed in a foster home until legal arrangements have been completed. <br /> <br />