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(4) by lack of eye response, verified if lid does not blink when eye is touched and pupil remains dilated when a light is <br />shined on it. <br />(e) Sufficient funds shall be appropriated in each annual budget of the city for personnel, drugs, equipment, and facilities <br />necessary to administer humane destruction of animals as specified in this subchapter. <br /> <br /> (Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.094 FUNDING. <br />Sufficient funds shall be appropriated in each annual budget of the city for personnel, drugs, equipment, and facilities <br />necessary to administer humane destruction of animals as specified in this subchapter. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT <br />§ 5.105 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY/ANIMAL CONTROL COMMISSION. <br />(a) The Department of Animal Control shall be operated by the Shelter Manager. <br />(b) The Shelter Manager will be advised on matters of policy and fiscal decisions by a voting five-member board, so <br />named the South Bend Animal Control Commission. The Commission members shall be appointed to serve a three-year <br />term, terms to be staggered. No limit shall be set on number of terms a Commissioner can serve, all members to serve <br />without compensation. <br />(c) Two of the Commission members shall be appointed by the Mayor. The three remaining members of the Commission <br />shall be appointed by the Common Council. At the outset, the Mayor shall appoint one person to serve two years, and <br />one person to serve three years. The Common Council shall appoint one person to serve two years, and one person to <br />serve three years. At least one member of this Commission must be a licensed Vet. This selection shall not be based on <br />political affiliations, but on interest in animal care and control and knowledge of same. <br />(d) The first meeting of the Commission shall be convened by the Shelter Manager. The commission must meet for the <br />thst <br />first time by January 30 of the 1 year of acceptance of this ordinance. The Commission shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, <br />and a Secretary from among its members . <br />(e) The Commission shall meet at least once each month, or upon special call by the Chair, or upon the written request <br />to the Chair by any three members. It shall adopt rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate in its <br />judgment to carry out the provisions of the ordinances and laws under which it exists and performs its functions. <br />(f) Three members of the Animal Control Commission shall constitute a quorum to do business. <br />(g) In the case of vacancy in office due to death, resignation, incapacity, removal or otherwise, the appointment to fill <br />the vacancy so occurring shall be made by the original appointing body for the unexpired term only and shall be subject <br />to the provisions stated in division (b). <br />(h) The duties and powers of the Director are as follows: <br />(1.)To cause to be enforced all city ordinances and/or state laws regarding animal care and control. <br /> <br />(2.)To maintain and operate the Department of Animal Control's shelter or shelters which have been designated for <br /> <br />the humane sheltering or protection and disposition of animals coming into its custody. <br />(3.)To purchase all necessary materials for the proper and efficient performances of the services and work required <br /> <br />of the shelter consistent with the city's duly established purchasing procedures. <br />(4.)To cause to be picked up and transported to the Department of Animal Control all unwanted animals, all animals <br /> <br />illegally at large, and all sick, diseased, injured, lost, strayed, stolen or abandoned animals. Those animals whose <br />owners request be euthanized may be surrender the animal to SBACC. The Shelter Manager shall determine if <br />the animal can be saved. In addition, any animal whose illness would pose a health hazard to other animals or is <br />injured so that it cannot rest comfortably for a minimum of three business days may be destroyed immediately <br />as so authorized by the Shelter Manager or his/her authorized agent. If a possible owner is identified, the <br /> <br />