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distemper, adeno-virus parainfluenza, parvovirus, coronavirus, and leptospirosis, and in the case of cats, against <br />feline rhinotracheitis, and panleucopenia; and <br />(7.)Not offer a puppy or kitten under the age of eight weeks for sale, trade, other compensation or free giveaway <br /> <br />(except a puppy or kitten or litters of them taken to the Department of Animal Control); and <br />(8.)Furnish warrant of health for a period of not less than one week with recommendation to have examined by <br /> <br />licensed veterinarian for each animal sold. <br />(c) Any owner or person having custody of a dog or cat which has been neutered within 10 weeks after giving birth to a <br />litter or who turns the adult dog or cat over to the Department of Animal Control within 10 weeks from the birth date of <br />the litter, will be required to purchase a minor breeder permit at the rate of $10. <br />(d) Any owner or person having custody of a dog or cat which has delivered a litter, who chooses not to relinquish said <br />animal to the Department of Animal Control and also chooses not to have the animal neutered, will be required to <br />purchase a minor breeder permit at the rate of $100 plus any applicable kennel/cattery permit fee. The permit shall be <br />issued provided all requirements of this chapter are met. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.057 VETERINARY HOSPITALS/CLINICS. <br />(a) All animals shall be housed humanely and in a sanitary manner. <br />(b) Veterinarians shall keep records of each animal accepted for treatment, diagnosis or routine health care. <br />(c) Veterinarians who engage in boarding, grooming or other business in addition to the treatment and/or medical care <br />of animals shall obtain a permit as herein provided. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.058 GROOMING SHOP PERMIT. <br />(a) Any person who has a grooming shop as defined in this chapter shall obtain a grooming shop permit. <br />(b) A permit holder has the right to request that any dog or cat accepted for grooming be vaccinated against common <br />diseases, and require proof of such vaccinations be furnished to the shop operator. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.059 PET SHOP PERMIT. <br />(a) Any person operating a pet shop as defined in this chapter shall obtain a pet shop permit. <br />(b) The permit holder shall furnish the purchaser a written statement at the time of sale containing the following: <br />(1.)Date of sale, <br /> <br />(2.)Name, address and telephone number of purchaser and permit holder, <br /> <br />(3.)Permit number of permit holder, <br /> <br />(4.)Breed, description, approximate age and sex of dog, cat or other animal sold. (Small mammals, parrot-type <br /> <br />birds, and fish not included.) <br />(5.)Medication and prophylactic immunization and dates administered, <br /> <br />(6.)Internal parasite medication(s) and date(s) administered, <br /> <br />(7.)A guarantee of good health for a period of not less than one week with recommendation to have the animal <br /> <br />examined by a licensed veterinarian. <br />(8.)The permit holder shall retain a copy of the written statement for 12 months from date of sale. <br /> <br />(c) The pet shop permit holder shall be further required to register with the Department of Animal Control the name, <br />address, and telephone number of each buyer or new owner of any dog or cat transferred within five days after the sale <br />or transfer. <br /> <br />