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§ 5.020 FASTENING ANIMALS WITH ROPE OR CHAIN; CHOKER COLLAR. <br />(a) No animal shall be hitched, tied or fastened by any rope, chain or cord that is directly attached to the animal's neck. If <br />animals must be tied, hitched or fastened: <br />(1.)The length of the rope, chain, or cord must be no less than three (3) times the length of the animal and of an <br /> <br />appropriate length for the animal to move freely without risk of injury; and <br />(2.)The weight of the rope, chain or cord is light enough to permit the animal to move freely without risk of injury; <br /> <br />and <br />(3.)The collar and rope, chain, or cord cannot cause the animal to choke; and <br /> <br />(4.)A properly fitted collar or harness made of leather or nylon, not of the choker type is worn by the animal. <br /> <br />This is not to prohibit the proper use of choker collars in the training of animals; and <br />(5.)The tying device shall be attached to the animal's leather or nylon collar or harness and must have a swivel <br /> <br />device on both the anchor and collar end to prevent tangling; and <br />(6.)The location of the anchor and the length of the rope, chain, or cord, cannot cause the animal to become <br /> <br />tangled, choke, or become injured; and <br />(7.)The animal must have access to water and shelter at all times. <br /> <br /> <br />(b) No person shall chain their dog using an agitation collar; a collar exceeding 1½ inches wide for any dog under 60 <br />pounds. Dogs over 60 pounds shall not be tethered using a collar exceeding 2 inches in width. <br />(c) A person shall not tether an animal in a manner that permits the animal to leave the person's property. <br />(d) Tethering. It shall be unlawful: <br />(1.)For any dog to be tethered between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. <br /> <br />(2.)To tether any unsterilized dog for any period of time. <br /> <br />(3.)To tether or confine a dog at a vacant structure or premises for any purpose when it is not monitored by an <br /> <br />adult who is present at the property for the duration of such tethering or confinement. <br />(4.)To tether a dog under six months of age. <br /> <br />(5.)For more than three dogs to be tethered simultaneously at the same residence. <br /> <br />(6.)To have contact between tethered dogs. <br /> <br />(7.)For tethered dogs to be within three feet of another person’s property, public thoroughfare, and/or right-of- <br /> <br />way. <br />(8.)To tether a dog without access to adequate shelter at all times. <br /> <br /> <br />(e) Multiple tangling during tethering. If one or more dogs at a residence have required a response from Animal Control <br />to untangle tethers more than two times in one year, it shall be a violation of this section. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.021 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS <br />(a) No person shall beat, cruelly treat, neglect, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse any animal except that <br />reasonable force may be employed to drive off vicious or trespassing animals. <br />(b) No animal shall be left unattended in a vehicle when the conditions in that vehicle would constitute a health hazard <br />to the animal. Conditions include but are not limited to extreme temperatures (hot/cold), hazardous material, <br />confinement, or lack of provisions which jeopardizes the safety of the animal. <br />(c) No person shall transport any animal in an unenclosed truck bed or open portion of any vehicle unless the animals is <br />enclosed in a cage which is securely fastened to the vehicle. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br /> <br />