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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes of August 4, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />Bend has a professional minor league baseball team. Sales tax and employment tax is <br />collected .from the entities located within the professional sports development area which <br />become the funding source. The goal is to build a $1 million capital fund. <br />Council President Rouse stated that keeping the Silver Hawks and the Cove have <br />tremendous value, and that the public should be educated on the return which the city is <br />receiving. <br />There was no one from the public to speak in favor or in opposition to this fund. <br />2009 Proposed Budget for Self Funded Employee Benefits, Fund # 711: <br />Expenditure by Cost Center $13,854,707 <br />Expenditure by Classification $13,857,734 <br />Funding Sources Total $14,160,297 <br />Revenue over expenditures for 2009 $ 302,563 <br />The City Controller noted that workers compensation charges have increased. She <br />highlighted the information in footnote # 3 noting that by changing to Anthem which was <br />effective on January 1, 2007, has resulted in a "considerable cost savings which providing <br />good benefits to City employees. 2009 Departmental budgets have decreased by a total <br />of $1.4 million from the 2008 adopted budget". <br />Ms. Fanello noted that additional information is set forth on pages 24 and 25 which were <br />not in the packet of information provided to the Council. Ms. Fanello stated that she would <br />make sure that the Council receives copies of those pages. <br />Dr. Varner requested that the City Administration provide a summary listing which <br />identifies all proposed employee positions which have been moved from the General Fund <br />to other funds; as well as a listing of all positions which have multiple funding sources. <br />There was no one from the public to speak in favor or in opposition to this fund. <br />2009 Proposed Buduet for Common Council: <br />Expenditure by Cost Center $236,501 <br />Expenditure by Classification $434,466 <br />Funding Sources Total $434,466 <br />Ms. Fanello noted that the 2009 estimate for total expenditures by Cost Center should be <br />amended from "434,466" to "$236,501 ", in light of no election expenses which were <br />previously budgeted at $.188,019 in the current budget. <br />