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PERSONNEL & FINANCE <br />OCTOBER 21, 2013 4:00 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Dave Varner, Valerie Schey (4:05), Karen White, Henry Davis (Parc <br />Board) <br />Other Council Members: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis (Transpo), Gavin Ferlic, Derek <br />Dieter <br />Citizen Members Present: Mark Brammer (AB), Jack Smith <br />Others Present: Chuck Bulot, Shubhada Kambli, Erin Blasko, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, <br />John Murphy, Keith Crain, Mark Lyons, Cecil Eastman, Mark Neal, <br />Christine Vallaire, Becky Neese, Brian Haygood, John Voorde <br />Agenda: Continued Review of 2014 Budget Proposal <br />This meeting of the Personnel & Finance Committee was called specifically to allow the city <br />administration an opportunity to present their plan to consolidate the Code Enforcement, the Building <br />Department and Animal Care into one the Building Services Department. This proposal was first <br />presented on September 11, 2014, but the Council felt a follow -up session was necessary. <br />City Controller Mark Neal made the presentation with the affected department heads present for <br />questions. The handout provided to help explain the proposal is attached. <br />Before the presentation the Council determined a special meeting to vote on the budget would be <br />needed. Following brief discussion Karen White motioned and Valarie Schey seconded a call for a <br />special meeting on Wednesday October 30, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. All approved, giving the City Clerk the <br />charge to call the meeting. <br />Mark Neal proceeded with the presentation. Councilmembers asked questions during the course of the <br />presentation. Tim Scott was first. He asked for an accounting of costs associated with cross - training and <br />certifying inspectors. Valerie Schey asked for further explanation of where the eight positions being <br />eliminated by the proposed consideration would come from. <br />Dr. Ferlic said a serious problem was the issuance of code citations without collections. He advocated <br />new procedures. Mark Neal spoke to a need to reorder the accounting methods for the three entities. <br />Tim Scott said the time was way too long from sending notice to resolution of violations. He said the <br />legal department needed to be at these meetings. Karen White said, accounting and procedures is one <br />thing, but the bottom line is so these proposals add to the quality of life for the citizens. Her priorities <br />remain 1. Public safety, 2. Clean neighborhoods and 3. Curbs and sidewalks. Derek Dieter complimented <br />the NCE clean -up crews suggesting no changes in who they report to be made. <br />