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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 24, 2013 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />over one hundred grave markers pushed over and damaged resulting in significantly hurting our <br />rich City’s history; and <br /> <br />Whereas, since March, spirited discussions have taken place with regard to developing a <br />collaborative approach and partnerships to making the preservation and maintenance of historic <br />City Cemetery a top priority so that its rich history and the thousands buried there is continued <br />for future generations. It was noted that in 2011, there was a Veterans Day Tour of City <br />Cemetery led by the Resolution Establishing a 5-Year Action Plan for Historic City Cemetery <br /> <br />Center for History and that in 2008 the DAR Schuyler Colfax Chapter and volunteers from the <br />DuComb Center raked leaves, trimmed bushes, scraped, primed and painted the rod iron fence <br />which surrounds City Cemetery; and <br /> <br />Whereas, the Council recognizes that the City Cemetery Trust Fund # 730 has a modest <br />balance with one item noted in the budget detail that cemetery records have begun to be <br />digitized; yet so much more that needs to be addressed so that City Cemetery can again become <br />a place of peace and learning about the countless number of persons who are buried there, the <br />magnificent tombstones, the veterans section, the potter’s field which provide an opportunity to <br />appreciate and renew our interest in our City’s history, its former residents; and a cemetery <br />uniquely located in a developing urban setting; and <br /> <br />Whereas, creative and innovative methods such as those used to renovate and re-dedicate <br />the gravesites of Charles Curtis, who served as a U.S. Vice-President from 1929-1933, and his <br />wife, Anna Baird Curtis, who are buried in Topeka Cemetery in Kansas. The project went from <br />gravesites which “looked terrible and embarrassing” to upgrading cemetery roads, curbing, <br />replacement of flag poles, and upgrading the gravesites to include engraving the Vice- <br />Presidential Seal into the granite headstone and “Son of the Kanza Nation” to honor the Vice- <br />President’s Native American heritage. The first donation received for the cemetery renovation <br />project came from the Potawatomi Nation, which triggered donations from the Sac and Fox <br />Nations, the John Haupt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, local historians <br />and other interested groups and citizens; with a public celebration and rededication taking place <br />in 2002. <br /> <br />, <br />Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br /> <br />Section I. The Common Council believes that the City of South Bend’s oldest cemetery, <br />City Cemetery, has been neglected for far too long. With the eye-opening experience which took <br />st <br />place at the 1 annual “Schuyler Colfax Day in South Bend, Indiana” in March of this year, the <br />Council sees an opportunity to collaborate together with the City Administration, the Historic <br />Preservation Commission, the Colfax Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and <br />the many individuals and groups who have expressed an interest in preserving, sustaining and <br />taking positive actions to revitalize City Cemetery. The State of Indiana is known as the <br />“Mother of U.S. Vice-Presidents” - namely Schuyler Colfax, Thomas A. Hendricks, Charles W. <br />Fairbanks, Thomas Marshall and Dan Quayle; The Council believes that South Bend should be a <br />leader in preserving more of our rich history by making City Cemetery another destination point <br />which enriches our present and future by remembering and preserving our past. <br /> <br />Section II. The Common Council therefore recommends the establishment of a 5-year <br />Action Plan for the revitalization and preservation of City Cemetery, which shall be overseen <br />and monitored by the Community Relations Committee of the South Bend Common Council. <br />Specific objectives shall include but not be limited to the following: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1.Proposing that such Action Plan reflect and identify goals and objectives, specific <br />action items, timelines, measureable outcomes and potential funding sources which <br />the Common Council in conjunction with the City Administration and interested <br />stakeholders including but not limited to representatives from the Colfax Chapter of <br />the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Historic Preservation Commission, <br />and all other persons and organizations interested in preserving and restoring the City <br />12 <br /> <br /> <br />