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JOINT HEARING AUGUST 12.2013 4:01 P.M. <br />COMMUNITY RELATIONS <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis (EXAB), Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner (AB) <br />Citizen Members Present: James Burns (AB), Alfreda Gillispie (AB) <br />RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS <br />Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Oliver Davis (EXAB) <br />Citizen Members: Chris Sopcyzinski (AB) <br />Other Council Present: Henry Davis (AB), Gavin Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br />Others Present: Erin Blasko, Aladean DeRose, Kathryn Roos, Jack Smith, David Nufer, Howard <br />Feldman <br />Agenda: Bill No# 31 -13 Amend Code CCAC <br />Community Campus Advisory Committee <br />This joint committee hearing of the Community Relations committee and the Residential Neighborhoods <br />committee was chaired by councilmember Tim Scott. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to consider bill 31 -13 which expanded by three, membership in the <br />Community Campus Advisory Committee (CCAC). Specifically the new members would include <br />representatives from Ivy Tech Community College, the St. Joseph County Sheriff's Department and the <br />St. Joseph County Association of Realtors. <br />The city councils representatives to the CCAC Gavin Ferlic made the brief presentation explaining these <br />three entities routinely sent representatives to CCAC meetings. This bill would make them official voting <br />numbers. <br />Karen White motioned the bill go to council favorably. Valerie Schey seconded and all affirmed. <br />Tim Scott adjourned at 4:06 P.M. <br />eet#�GIl� Submitted, <br />Tim Sco , Chairperson <br />Residential Neighborhoods <br />