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REGULAR MEETING <br />Mr. Walter C. Erler <br />East Indiana Ave. <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. Erler: <br />SEPTEMBER 25TH. 1950 <br />June 20, 1949 <br />664 <br />On the occasion of my visit to South Bend the other evening I promised I would send you a tentative program which <br />you might use. <br />It would be somewhat along this line: <br />1. Establish a Civic Committee on which are represented all walks of life. This would encompass organizations <br />such as Chamber of Commerce, University, College, Real Estate, building owners and managers, women civic groups, <br />retail merchants, civic organizations such as Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions, League of Women Voters, Parent - Teachers <br />Association, Engineering Society, Planning Commission, hotel associations, N.A.P.E., church federations, rail- <br />roads, etc. <br />Note: This would give anyone desiring membership a voice in the civic program. <br />2. Set up a sub - committee of technical experts in heavy industry who known their specific problems to better <br />advantage than would people on the above civic committee. <br />3. After the initial meeting of the above #1 committee have them go forth to the various organizations to <br />enlist aid and assistance in your smoke program. <br />4. Have the committee call in representatives of industry, railroads, etc. to determine how much improvement <br />can be secured on the basis of cooperation. <br />5. Naturally all of the above items should receive publicity through the medium of the newspapers and radio. <br />6. Call in people who are responsible for the operation of fuel burning plants and equipment such as found in <br />schools, public buildings, city hospitals, etc. Explain the program to them and secure their cooperation. Note: <br />One cannot over- emphasize the importance of placing the city's own house in order as an initial effort. <br />7. Determine definitely by means of a survey whether you have a problem, how serious it is and how dirty South <br />Bend might be. With these facts before the civic committee they are in a position to determine just how much <br />improvement they desire and is necessary together with the type of legislation which should be provided. <br />8. Continued education is necessary. We could conduct educational courses including illustrated lectures for <br />various types of plant operators, including lectures before civic and engineering organizations. <br />9. We have available a series of articles on smoke abatement and combustion that is available for your newspapers. <br />You may want to.use this series.- <br />10. The program should be kept as free from politics as much as possible. Remember this is an engineering job. <br />Your city can be as clean as you,want it. However, the civic committee must determine whether there is real or , <br />imaginary interest in air pollution and whether the city will support the plan it has outlined. I fee]6ertain <br />that if all procedures outlined above have been employed the city will support any intelligent plan adopted. <br />However, it does take a budget, a staff and continuous support to put this program over. <br />After you have had an opportunity to get the above recommendations lined up and if and when you require assistance <br />let us know. It was indeed a pleasure to meet you and the other Councilmen and I believe the method of approach <br />you are employing i-tigurs well for the program. <br />Very truly yours, <br />(Signed) H. B. Lammers, Chairman <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Councilman Muszynski made a motion that the Board of Public Works take up the matter with the New York Central <br />regarding smoke from three switch engines No. 7352, 7426 and 9596, which are constantly throwing out heavy black <br />smoke. These engines are in the vicinity of Ford and Koscuisko Street crossing. Councilman Niezgodski seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried. <br />There being no further business, Councilman Tellson made a motion to adjourn, which motion was seconded by <br />Councilman Korpal. Motion carried, and Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />-0- f�L <br />LERK <br />