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2. That as of April 17, 1942, the Authority entered into <br />a contract For Financial Assistance with the Federal <br />Public Housing Administration (none known as the Public <br />Housing Administration and hereinafter referred to as <br />"PHA ") whereby the PHA agrees to loan to the Authority <br />a sum not to exceed $1,289,200.00 at an interest rate <br />of 3% per annum, for the planning, development and <br />construction of 232 units of public low -rent housing, <br />to be known as project No. IND -15 -1. <br />3. That as of June 12, 1945, the Authority entered into a <br />Contract For Loan and Annual Contributions with the Federal <br />Public Housing Authority (now known as the Public Housing <br />Administration and hereinafter referred to as "PHA.") whereby <br />the PHA agrees to loan to the Authority a sum not to exceed <br />$594,000.00 at an interest rate of eo per annum, for the <br />planning, development and construction of 100 units of <br />public low -rent housing, to be known as Project No. <br />IND -15 -2, <br />4. <br />That the aforesaid contracts were based upon costs prevailing <br />at the time they were entered into and inasmuch as all costs <br />have increased very much since such date, the actual costs <br />of planning, developing and constructing the projects will <br />cost considerably in excess of such amounts. <br />5. <br />That the Authority proposes to secure amendments to the <br />aforesaid contracts with the Public Housing Administration <br />which will provide financial assistance for such projects <br />under current prevailing costs. <br />6. <br />That as of February 3, 1942, the City of South Bend and the <br />Authority executed a Co- operation Agreement whereby the City <br />agrees to cooperate with the Authority, in the manner set <br />forth therein, in the development of the aforesaid Projects <br />Nos. IND -15 -1 and 15 -2. <br />7. <br />That said Three Hundred.Thirty -two (332) units of urban low- <br />rent public housing, which will be planned and developed by <br />the Authority pursuant to the aforesaid contracts, will be <br />built in the City of South Bend, will be subject to the <br />planning, zoning, sanitary and building laws, ordinances <br />and regulations which are applicable to the City, and will <br />be on a site or sites determined upon by the Authority to be <br />consistent with and most advisable for the future growth of <br />the City. The said Units shall be constructed in such a <br />manner that they will not be of elaborate or extravagant <br />design or materials and economy will be promoted both in <br />construction and administration, and all other requirements <br />of the Indiana Housing Authorities Act and the United States <br />-Housing Act of 1937, as amended, will be complied with. The <br />site for Project IND -15 -2 has been selected by the Authority <br />and approved by PHA and is located on Western Avenue between <br />Scott and Taylor Streets and is commonly known as the Maggiet.s <br />Court Area. The site £ or project IND -15 -1 has been selected by <br />the Authority and is located on Middlefield Addition lying <br />between Lincoln Way West and the -. Crumstown Road, in South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />8. <br />That hereafter the Authority, pursuant to said contracts and kn <br />order to finance its corporate purposes in connection with the <br />construction and operation of said low -rent urban public housing, <br />not to exceed Three Hundred Thirty -two (332) units, as described <br />herein, shall desire to borrow money and to issue, sell and deliver, <br />from time to time, as required, its bonds., notes, interim certificates, <br />debentures, and other obligations pursuant to said Act, which said <br />notes and all other bonds, notes, interim certificates, debentures, <br />and other obligations are hereafter collectively referred to as "bonds". <br />9. That said bonds shall not be a debt of the City, the Town, or the <br />County, or the State or any political subdivision thereof, nor shall <br />the City, Town, County, the State or any political subdivision be <br />liable thereon, nor in any event shall such bonds be payable out of <br />any funds or properties other than those of the Authority. The <br />bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of <br />any constitutional, or statutory debt limitation or restriction. <br />10. That Sections 14 and 15 of said Act provide that all bond issues <br />of a housing authority must be approved by the Common Council, Town <br />Board or County Council, as the case may be, after a public hearing <br />held pursuant to Notice of the time, place and purpose thereof, by <br />one publication, at ?east ten (10) days prior to the date of the <br />hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the particular <br />city, town, or county. <br />ll. That Section 8 (h) of said Act provides that no housing authority <br />shall initiate any project under said Act until the governing body <br />of the City, town, or county, as the case may be, has first approved <br />such project. <br />WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, HEREBY RESPECTFULLY PETITIONS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOffS: <br />10 That said Council shall cause to be published once in the South Bend <br />Tribune,& newspaper of general circulation in said City of South Bend, <br />Indiana,, a Notice of a public hearing, to be held at least ten (10) days <br />subs ue t t the blicatiion of said Notice wh ch said Notice. shall <br />spec gyhe:�ime, ace and purpose of saidublc hearing. <br />