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ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BUREAU OF FIRE <br />PREVENTION, PROVIDING OFFICERS THEREFOR AND DEFINING THEIR POffEERS <br />AND DUTIES, PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR FIRE PREVENTION AND LIFE <br />SAFETY, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS. <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Niezgodski made a <br />motion that the ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole for Public Hearing on April 10th. <br />Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE N0. 3738 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE <br />ISSUANCE AID SALE OF BONDS OF SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING <br />FUNDS TO BE APPLIED ON THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF <br />SEWERS, AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. <br />The City Clerk presented and read to the Council a resolution adopted by the Board of Public Works and Safety <br />requesting an appropriation in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) to be applied on the cost of <br />construction of certain sewers and expenses incurred in connection therewith, together with the Controller's <br />recommendation thereon, said resolution and recommendation being as follows, to -wit: <br />"RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND" <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works and safety of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has determined <br />that it would be for the best interests of said City and its citizens to provide for the con - <br />struction and improvement of certain sewers in said City and that the construction and improvement <br />of such sewers is necessary in order to prot"t the health and well -being of the citizens and will <br />be of general benefit to the entire City; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works and Safety finds that the estimated cost of the construction <br />and improvement of said sewers and the incidental expenses in connection therewith will be in <br />the amount of One Million bollats (11,000,000.00); now therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of South Bend, Indiana, that <br />this Board request the City Controller and Common Council to take proper steps immediatel to provide <br />the necessary funds for said purpose, in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00, and to <br />that end that a copy of this resolution be filed with the City Controller and City Clerk, and presented <br />to the Common Council at the next meeting thereof. <br />Adopted this 27th day of March, 1950. <br />(Signed) Frank J. Bruggner <br />K. Baer <br />" R. S. Andrysiak <br />Board of Public Works and Safety <br />TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />The Board of Public Forks and Safety of the City of South Bend, Indiana, had requested an <br />appropriation in the amount of One Million Dollars ($R1,000,OOG.00) for application on the cost <br />of construction of certain sewers and incidental expenses to be incurred in connection therewith, <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />I recommend that said appropriation be made, and am submitting herewith, for the consideration <br />of the,,Council, a form of ordinance authorizing such appropriation. In order to provide funds to <br />meet said appropriation it will be necessary to authorize, issue and sell bonds of the City in the <br />amount,-of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), and I am handing you herewith a form of ordinance <br />drawn for,-.,the purpose. <br />Dated this 27th day of March, 1950. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />(Signed) Frank J. Bruggner <br />City Controller <br />The City Clerk presented to the Council a petition filed by owners of taxable real estate in the City of <br />South Bend requesting the Common Council to issue the bonds of the City in an amount not exceeding $1,000,000.00 <br />for the purpose of procuring funds to be applied on the cost of construction and improvement of sewers in said <br />City. <br />Said petition havint been examined and found to be sufficient, and to be properly verified and certified, on <br />motion duly made, seconded and carried, the same was approved and ordered filed. <br />Councilman Walter C. Erler thereupon introduced Ordinance No. 3738, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana* authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said City for the purpose of providing <br />funds to be applied on the _cost of construction and improvement of sewers, and expenses incurred in connection <br />therewith," and moved that the Clerk be instructed to read said ordinance in full. This motion was seconded <br />by Councilman Albert Tellson and carried. The Clerk then read said ordinance in full. <br />Councilman Clem Niezgodski then moved that Ordinance No. 3738 be read a second time by title and that an <br />opportunity be given for the offering of amendments, which motion was seconded by Councilman Chester Muszy nskis <br />and carried. The Clerk then read Ordinance No. 3738 the second time by title and no amendment was offered <br />thereto. Councilman Walter Glass then moved that said ordinance be carried over for further consideration <br />to a meeting of the Council to be held on the 10 day of April, 1950, and that a public hearing be held on <br />said ordinance at that meeting; that the City Clerk be instructed to publish a notice to taxpayers of such <br />public hearing once each week for two weeks in the South Bend Tribune and South Bend Mirror, the same being <br />newspapers published in the City of South Bend avid representing thb two leading political parties, and to <br />post said notice in three public places in the City, the first publication and posting to be at least ten <br />days prior to said date. This motion was seconded by Councilman Alvin Kemper and on call of the roll, was <br />adopted by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Walter C. Erler, Stanley Korpal, Albert Tellson, <br />Cloyd Bestle, Clem Niezgodski, Walter Glass, Alvin <br />Kemper and Chester Muszynski. <br />Nays Y <br />